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Magazine storage?

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How do you store your quilting mags? do you save them? do you catalog or organize in any form? How long do you keep them?

I've accumulated lots of quilting mags, and had a big sort out the last day or so...some of it has been 'as you go' and some of it has been dumping them out on the floor, sorting into all the brands and then trying to neatly place them back on the shelves in some semblance of order.

I'm also fond of sticky notes on items of interest...but really....it's starting to take over the basement!

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on the same note... there's probably a thread somewhere about how to store fabric.

Even though I have had a two year moratorium on buying fabrics, it's still just ridiculous how much of everything that I have!

geeze... shopaholic?

You know those photos that they post of people's tidy, studios? I want THAT GUY to do mine!

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I used to keep magazines like you do in holders, with sticky notes, on shelves. All alphabetized by months, years. Now, I've reduced my subscriptions to a few, and I tear out the articles I want and keep them in plastic sheet protectors in a few binders.

The articles have to very special for me to contemplate keeping them. I recycle what magazines I do have to the quilt guild's free table, or to quilting friends.

There is so much on the internet about techniques, and literally thousands of free patterns, and "stuff". I have too many projects as it is---and I am sincerely trying to rid myself of a lot of it that I was so enthused about when I was a newbie quilter. There was a time I inhaled everything and anything to do with quilting. Now, I'm into it many years later, and I don't "save" things like I used to.

How many lifetimes do I have? :)

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I like that idea. I too was enthused about piecing when I started quilting so Post-it papered many pages in the magazines and then kept them.

Think I need to revisit those magazines and cull. I would have so mush more room for......let me think what........fabric in my cupboards.


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Ditto to what Angie said. I'm saving only the best articles and/or patterns from the magazines in plastic sheet protectors in notebooks. Any mags that are still intact go to the Guild library. It's amazing how infrequently I go through the notebooks. Guess I'm not often at a loss for what new project to begin next!

Nancy in Tucson

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I too culled my magazines, I had way too many ( 6 laundry baskets full). I cut out things that caught my eye and filed them in my filing cabinet and gave the the part of the magazine I did not want to keep to a variety of my quilting friends who did the same till there was very little left then they went into recycling. It was a big job, that I mostly did while I was in treatment, and now I try to keep up with the job as I buy a magazine. I also do not buy as many as I did before.....

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Like you all, I have cut down to only two subscriptions and try to pass on what I know I won't do to others in my guild...I do have most of the miniature quilt magazines saved in binders and have gone back used those on occasion, and I am now keeping my Machine Quilting magazines for inspiration but the others I do through and try to get rid of if I don't think I can get a project made...

and we aren't even talking about books...I've quit buying those most of the time too!

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The stickies are taking over the room! Turns out I'm not nearly as productive as I'd like to be. But I'm trying.

I did sort out a very full box to send to the upcoming quilt guild garage sale. I'm a noob, so I don't know what it entails, but it's motivated me to clean out the sewing rooms!

Some of these mags are really old, but I have bookmarked patterns and returned to them, the most recent was the leaning log variation that I used for that ugly fabrics quilt.


I'm getting better about not keeping the mag if there's really nothing in it that 'strikes' me. And, my mom does Friends of the library, so she takes lots to the sales there.


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I'm with you all. When the magazines took over my studio, I had to do something. I now scan what I want to keep and then give the magazine to my guild's library. They sell them to members for $1.00, which helps to pay for guest speakers etc. Some mags are bargains, because I read them right away and pass them on before they're off the retail shelves.:D:D:D Has anyone tried the new "digital subscriptions" of magazines? I see Fons and Portal offers it now for "Love of Quilting"?

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Guest Linda S

I have a whole bookcase full of quilting magazines in those magazine file boxes. I haven't really had time to go through them yet, but I also anticipate scanning the patterns I like into my computer and then recycling the mags through the guild or at a yard sale. I've cut back on magazines and only get American Quilter (because it comes with my AQS membership), On Track (because it comes with my IMQA membership), The Quilter, and Quilter's Newsletter. I'll occasionally pick up one of the Australian mags at the bookstore, as they have some pretty cool stuff in them.

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