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Quilting Embarassments

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Ok Ladies

Be honest.. What's the most embarassing thing that you have done in the quilting area?

I will begin..I was fairly new to quilting & was VERY inspired by an episode of Simply Quilts & off I went to the LQS. After a awhile of carefully choosing the perfect fabrics & laying them out all over the store, a rather rude employee came to see if she could help me. She was obviously irritated that these blots of fabric would have to be put away so I thought I would bring her down a notch with my experteese. I told her I was making a "Bordello Quilt"....The entire shop fell silent then burst into gales of laughter & I really did not know what was so funny! The rude employee asked if I meant a "Bargello quilt"? I was so embarrassed that even just telling this story now makes my face red!! Oh & the rude emplyee have been very good friends for over 15 yrs now!

Whats your quilting embarrassment??:D

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That is hilarious. The most embarrassing thing I've had is to have a customer show up for a drop off and I forgot she was coming. I was working from home and I often just work when I get up and loose track of time so I was still in my jammies when she came. She was a sweet lady from our guild so I opened the door but boy was I embarrassed!

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Hope the women doesn't understand french because if you take a letter out, it is really a great word!!!

Could get you in trouble here!!!!

I haven't made a bloomer for the quilting world but have made a few in french, with my american accent, I have made quite a few, and even got really red from one.....

but that's life!!!

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great story. i'm known for sleeping in so when my husband overheard a car load of gals in the driveway say 'she's probably still in bed' he laughed, opened the door and said "YOU"RE RIGHT" and I was. They went for coffee and gave me another 30 minutes. I had over slept for their appointment.

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