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Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well !

I am away with the Navy at the moment and I'm terribly home sick.....I miss my family....and that includes my George too.

Had a few lonely nights and then it came to me......APQS chat room......I have hopped on and I feel like I'm in a room full of friends.

It's nice looking at all your wonderful art and reading all the stories.....Congrats Claudia on the Quilt that won 1st.....stunning !

Take care everyone......

From Chantell.....In Australia

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I know when I travel I miss my family and quilting.

Char is right...this is a great time to doodle and practice those feathers, loops and create your own designs. It is amazing what doodling will do for muscle memory, hand and eye coordination and filling up time.:)

Hope you are not gone longl.

Take care,

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Are you at sea? Can you have any hand work...it would be a good time to do some Red Work or even some hand piecing. I don't think I could go a complete tour without something to do on my (what little time you get) time off. A needle and a bit of fabric shouldn't take up to much space if you can do that. When you finish a block send it home, it will be out of your space and waiting for you when you get home.

Take care and stay safe.

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I understand how lonely you feel being away from George and your family, but I really wonder how lonely George is without you???? I'm sure he's so very, very lonely sitting in the dark all by himself...so cold...patiently waiting for his Chantell to come back home.

If it makes you feel better, George misses you, too... ;)


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Hi Chantell

Hope it won't be too long before you get back home to your daughter, George and your husband - was that the right order - I wasn't sure about the last two~!!

You are right the chat room is just like visiting - hope your trip away goes well and you will be home soon.

Best wishes

Sue in Australia

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Hi Chantell,

When I used to live in Japan, I would sometimes visit the ocean and just stand there in awe at the amazing distance between myself and California, but somehow it always seemed alot closer at the edge of the water with Japan behind me, and I'd always wave to my family back home as though they were just over the horizon there to wave back. Whenever I was in flight over there or on my way back, somewhere in the middle that white knuckle feeling left me and I could acclimate again to being in a new environment. It was always the same, at some point the feeling would hit me and I could just shift into a different rythym and everything would just start to flow again. There must be some really special things you get to experience in the Navy, you are a very brave person! You've got to be so proud of what you are doing! Not too many people can say they've had the kind of experiences you are having!!

Take care and be safe, stay busy and time will fly!


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