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"Quilts for Sale" website? All this talk of selling my quilt has me looking into outlets to sell some quilts. I love to make them, give them to my family and use them, but I would also like to sell some to make room for the new ones I have planned! :P:P:P

I just wondered if any of you had experience with this site or know someone who has............no names need to be mentioned............just looking for any positive or negative responses about it before I sign up and send them $$.

I've tried the Esty (sp) site and not even a ? for over a year. Ebay is a total waste of time. My small rural Iowa area is not a big "quilt sales" meca. Sure people want them, but for $50 or less. :(

Thanks again for any help you can give me.

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I haven't heard much in the way of websites for quilt sales were there is much action. I guess some people do okay with Etsy, but I looked into the quilting area and there's so much there, I feel I would be lost in the shuffle! Ebay, everyone's looking for a deal. Try checking into the local crafting shows. I do a show once a year to blow out some of my excess quilts. See which ones are seasonal and have a lot of traffic. Other vendors can tell you which ones they do better at. It helps if you have the ability to process credit cards when you have high dollar items.

I use PayPal credit card services and have a "merchant" account thru them. It's a little more expensive than a bank for processing, but you can turn the feature on and off so you're not paying for it on the months you don't use it. Banks usually require a contract and a monthly fee even if you don't use it. Then all I do is take my laptop with me and plug in the numbers. You can even get a card reader to scan the cards if you want. If there's no wi-fi, I just use my phone to create a hotspot. Sounds confusing, but it's not.

Usually, I sell a few of the large tops. Laps and tabletoppers are easier to sell, plus I do well on baby quilts. I usually make a lot of table runners and placemat sets because some people don't want to check out the booth if you only have large quilts as they think they're going to be expensive (which they are).

Last year's craft show was mid to the end of November. After Thanksgiving, it was dead. No black friday for us. I'm going to do it again this year, but I'm scheduled from Oct. 17th to the end of the month. We'll see if this is any better.

I try to keep prices reasonable to where I don't feel bad about selling an item. I have had some people try to work a "deal" for a bunch of items. Then come to find out, they own a shop of some type and are trying to get my items, mark them up and re-sell them. :mad: I find that people who sew or quilt, can't write the checks fast enough. Other people think things are over-priced. You can't please them all. I don't take offense unless they're nasty. Then I "educate" them and they usually apolgise.:P

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The problem with crafting shows in my area is people want something CHEAP........not cheaply made, but cheap in $$$ Unless I travel to a metro area where people are used to spending more $$ for things, I am out of luck. So, if I have to travel, etc. it is defeating my purpose and I won't make much anyway.

Thanks for your tips!

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I am doing ETSY. I started about a month ago and sold my first quilt last week. It should have arrived in Long Island today!!!! I hope it doesn't float away. All I have on there right now is fabric and 1 baby quilt. I am hoping to get a few more on the site soon. I have not looked into "Quilts for sale" yet.

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Originally posted by Bonnie

Originally posted by LindaB


I vaguelly remember that "Keepsake Quilting" would sell quilts for people.....it might be worth checking it out....That was years ago, just not sure if they still do it....

Good luck... ;)

They still do.

I'll check into it ! Thanks !

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I sold quite a few quilts at quilt shows. But you have to remember that they charge a commission fee so you have to add that percentage onto the price you are selling your quilt for. Some shows limit for sale entries and have other rules regarding for sale quilts.

I have also sold quilts at the LQS and she charged 20% commission.

Last year I sold a quilt at the local quilt show to a repeat buyer! very happy about that.

It is hard to sell quilts online as people want to see them up close and 'pet' them before they spend the $.

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