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MQX- some Portland Info

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

Folks - I'm posting this separately here, as the question was asked at the end of the "who's going to MQX" post. Hawaii Barbara wanted to know if Portland is "safe." Like all big cities, Portland does have its problems, but by and large, it is a really nice city. One of the biggest barriers to getting around is the river (Willamette [oh - by the way, that's Will - AM - ette, not will-am-ETTE]) running through it. However, the Max will take you over the river, so that's not really a problem. On the west side of the river is a trolley that is free to ride north and south through most of the business/shopping district, so you should have no problems getting around safely. Areas in which you should be aware will be by the parks and up in the Pearl District (mostly a nice area, but there are lots of bars and some strip joints in the area with their appropriate clientelle). Portland has a homeless population, as many cities do, and you may find people sleeping under bushes or in some doorways. I think that most of you will not be venturing into those parts of the city, but just be aware that there are some. Mostly, these are harmless people, but there is always the occasional drunk or druggie. Of course, those folks occur in the regular population too.

You can go here http://trimet.org/streetcar/index.htm for the Streetcar Schedule. Also, if you are smartphone-savvy, you can get the bus schedule on nextbus.com. Portland is currently on the 4G network, so if you have a 4G phone, you'll get snappy information about all the stuff available there.

Portland does have a Saturday Market (which I think now operates on Sunday, too), an Art Museum, a Zoo, a Rose Garden, and OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). There are many other attractions. There is a lot of shopping in the Pioneer Square area of the streetcar line. Downtown Portland is actually quite beautiful -- lots of trees, small parks, etc. I think you will enjoy your time there.

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Willamette, "rhymes with Da--it". Portland used to have a Fareless Square area in downtown, but I think they've eliminated that. However, the bus drivers are very friendly, the train stops have excellent maps and time schedules. People in general are friendly and helpful, just listen to you gut instinct about who to approach for help.

Saturday market, Sundays too! Through the Festival of the last minute when it goes for the whole week prior to Christmas. All of the items sold there are made by local artisans, and there's some great food. Underneath the Burnside bridge, or just ask anyone.

They're recently started to operate a "Big Pink" bus that is a type of tour bus that hits all the major places and you can get on and off as many times as you like during your trip. Goes to the zoo, OMSI, Art Museum, probably the history museum too. Also the Chinese and Japanese Gardens. Too bad they don't offer Fabric Depot as a stop. I'm sure that "The Depot" will have a booth at MQX, but you really need to see the whole place and be completely overwhelmed at least once while you're here. This is located at 700 SE 122nd. You can take the train out to 122nd, then walk the 7 blocks to the store, or catch a different bus. Or grab one of us locals and have them take you out there. They are open 9am-9pm Monday through Sat. and 9-7pm on Sunday.

If you are book person, you're going to want to hit Powell's books. On West Burnside, and it takes up an entire city block. It's the book equivalent of Fabric Depot.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to drop me a line. I'm a local, born and raised here.

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Guest Linda S

If you follow the link to the transit map for the streetcar, you'll see a bold dashed line - that is the free zone for the streetcar. It covers most of downtown. It just won't take you out to Oregon Health Sciences University (there's a fee for that), and I think there might be a zone to the north that has a fee.

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The Max Line (train)is Free {within Fareless Square} from LLoyd Center Mall thru Downtown. So if you hop on the Max in front of the Convention Center and head East you can go to the Mall and shop or hop on the Max in front of the CC and head west and get off Downtown to shop, your ride is free. Buses running in the Downtown core area (main shopping area)

are free too but only while they are running within the DT core area.

Welcome to Portland

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I will be there from Tuesday afternoon until Saturday afternoon with a car. I am taking four classes and have lots of free time. Anyone with a big enough gap in their classes who wants a road trip to Fabric Depot, use my email link below and we can arrange something. My car holds 5 and drives itself to FD! I will be at the Thursday forum dinner and the banquet Friday night.

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I'll be there as well with a car. I am free all of Friday so can take a group to Fabric Depot if needed/wanted. I lived and drove school bus in Portland for 30 years so can still get around pretty good.

I'm staying out by the airport if anyone needs transport to or from that area too. DH just put the third seat back in my car so I accommodate 5 more comfortably, or 7 cosily.

Basically if you need to get somewhere Friday look me up.

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I lived in the Portland area for many years and my kids still live in the Portland area (except for the one who lives in eastern OR). It's the MOST beautiful city. Understand that the weather can change in a minute. My daughter has been complaining about the heat this past month, but I hear it's cooled off and raining now. You will want a jacket and probably an umbrella although I never owned an umbrella in all the years I lived there. It may only rain for 15 minutes, but it's going to do it 15 times a day. LOL.

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For those of you staying in hotels if you look through the rack of brochures they have some for fabric depot brochures and inside are coupons. You will want to use those.

A more current institution (be ready to wait in line) VooDoo Doughnuts. Be sure to ask to see the special donuts not located in the case. There is one downtown with seating in the alley way where the church of Elvis used to be. Ask any Portlander transplanted or not they can direct you. And there is one on Sandy Blvd. The building is pepto bismol pink. Bring a camera.

It is a safe city With the exceptions of parts of 82nd ave at night if you are alone and walking. The people are incredibly friendly and helpful. Each neighborhood has it's own uniqueness The hawthorne District hippie ville, NW 23rd Boutiquee, N Mississippi hip and cool, Pearl dist. art walk galore, etc...


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Guest Linda S

That's Mt. Hood - off to the north you will also find (but not in this picture) Mt St Helens - the one that blew up in 1980. Lots and lots of natural wonders to see in Oregon.

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I also lived up in the area years ago. We were out in Sandy. It is surprising how many of us have lived there at some time or another. I agree with others that Portland is a beautiful city and very friendly.

I tried to fill my schedule with classes to avoid shopping. :P :P I do have free time on Friday after 4 (I am not attending the banquet) and I have a big van. If you need a ride to Fabric Depot I can use that as my excuse for going. Send me a U2U or I will be at the Moxie dinner Thurs. if you are interested.

Linda that is a beautiful picture of Mt. Hood. I do miss seeing that. We lived there when Mt. Saint Helen blew. We even had ash on our deck clear out in Sandy.


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OMA!!!! Tell your daughter it is HER fault it is now raining. I simply cannot imagine why anyone would complain about the amazing Indian Summer we had. Now we are back to rain but the good news for the weekend is that it is "supposed" to be back to partly sunny Friday and Saturday. Enjoy it cuz the rain is coming....:(:(:(:(...but that is what keeps Oregon green. I wish I was going to be in Oregon to see everyone but I am going to be somewhere sunny and warm for that week so I will have to catch up with the Moxies and honorary Moxies later. Y'all have a great time!! P.S. I watched Mt. St. Helens go from my bedroom window. I had lava pieces in my front yard in North Portland . I have a whole jar of them in a trunk somewhere. Funny.;);););)

Also, if you hop on MAX to go to Fabric Depot, please get off at Stark. The area beyond (Gresham) is beautiful but not real safe on MAX.

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Guest Linda S

Nancy Jo - I figure we're just getting this much-needed rain out of the way so it can be beautiful when everyone gets here. I think it's a little too early for the winter rains to set in, but then again, the weather is weird everywhere!

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