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Electric bill?

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Hitomi: How much electricity do you use? Your bill is driven by the cost per KWH. What do you pay per KWH, service charge, generating cost, etc? The only way to compare energy costs is by looking at the unit costs and the number of units. I pay about $0.11 per KWH (when the wholesale power cost and the distribution cost is combined) I also pay a $15/month base fee. We typically use between 1000 and 5000 KWH per month depending on the time of year. Jim

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Everything is higher over there. Love to visit, and I like the Big Island the best, but gasoline and food are really high in comparison to our mid-west cost of living. Still it's hard to beat those constant days of 83 degrees in November while it is snowing at home ;)

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Just figured out that I am being charged about $.43 per kilowatt. I have a large 5,000 sq. foot house and 3 other (rental) kitchens (gas stove, solar water, and gas dryer) and I guess my industrial sewing machines must take up electric (I sew all day and night) and my sewing room has AC that I crank up really cold (because I am in menopause). I decided to do the solar electric, it's costing me an arm and 2 legs, but after the tax rebates, in 3 years, it would have paid for itself and I will have FREE electric when I am retired (If that will ever happen). I think Hawaii IS the highest electric in the country.

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