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Moxie mini-meeting in January

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Discussed on another thread--

Moxie casual get-together--let's shoot for lunch on Saturday January 21st in the Portland area.

Please post if you can make it.

It will just be an "I miss the Moxies" meeting, not a formal (?) one.

Once we get an idea of how many we can figure out a place.

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Guest Linda S

I'll try to come, and maybe bring Ellen along with me. I will just be home from a week at the coast the day before, so depending on the state of unpack, put away, or ah the heck with it, I may be there!!

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Hi Pat--where would you like to meet--shooting for lunch? We haven't set a place yet, waiting to see how many can make it. Claim Jumper was mentioned and Beth suggested Newport Bay which is near Fabric Depot. Lynda Newell introduced us to the Kennedy School (a McMenamin's restaurant) while at MQX in October. We also visited Gustav's--fabulous German food.

Any and all suggestions considered! I hope you can make it. I don't know how many have seen this.

Guess I should have Jim send out a Moxie-gram!

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Bumping to troll for more Moxies!!:P

Looks like it's an almost all-Linda meeting--Linda R, Linda S, Lynda N, Linda B, and LynnMarie from Canby!!

I have a head-count of seven so far....

I will send Jim an email for distribution to those interested in a Moxie-fix.

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I'm far north with a lot of snow coming Wednesday. If I-5 is clear in time I will make it. If not, I'll be staying home...:(

I haven't made a reservation yet. I'll keep tabs on the head-count but wonder if I should call sooner rather than later?

And input, Moxies?

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THe weather is going to warm up to high 40s Wednesday. I think we could wait to make reservations until Friday. I can't picture where the Ram is at ClackamasTown Center so i will have to look it up. Brenda thinks she will come too. Barb you be careful on Highway 95. Lots of people "forget" to slow down and drive sane.

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