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I'm curious.....

DL Semmens

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I just watched a you tube video on Inteliquilter (SP). It was very intresting and I want one as soon as I save enough pennys. But the moderator said something that struck me funny, and I'm wondering if I am the only one that is to stubborn to do it.

The person on the video ( I think it was Angela, but I'm not positive) was commenting about how she always loads the quilt on the frame with the longest dimension running horizontal on her bars. Just the opposite of how I load a quilt.

Now I totally understand the benefits of doing this. Fewer passes, less likey to warp your leaders, more time quilting and less time advancing the quilt.....all perfectly sound reasons.

Here is my problem, I mainly panto and at least half of my panto's are directional. I can't bring myself to have the row run from pillow to footboard on a quilt and have all the heart points pointing to the side of the quilt.

Am I just being to hard on myself?

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Oh absolutely I don't think Angela was considering the directional pantographs. Absolutely you don't want the little boats floating up and down the length of the quilt! :) That would look funny.

Anyway, I think she meant the pantos that are not directional and that interlock so you don't see a break in the pattern. And yeah I do this too if I can... meaning the panto is not directional and the backer (pieced) is horizontal. I can load it the long way. Otherwise, I have to load it the short way.

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Guest Linda S

I like to load the longest side if direction isn't going to matter in the design, but I think Shana is right -- for directional pantographs, you'd load the quilt to suit the pattern. More often than not, that means the short end gets loaded and you have more passes, but it sure looks better.

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Deb, I guess I am stubborn also! I always load my pantos top to bottom, unless I intentionally want the panto to go up and down, as in steam or something like that. Now when I do custom, I usually load sideways so that I can do the long borders 1st.

Start saving your money, the IQ is a wonderful tool and well worth the cost. It pays for itself very quickly especially if most of your work is pantos!

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Another stubborn one here!!!! I'm sure Angela wasn't thinking of a directional panto!! There are lots of pantos that are not directional and my take on Angela's work is that she would choose a nondirectional panto. She is a pretty savvy business woman and supports herself and three children with her quilting. I bet just uses mostly nondirectional ones!!!!

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