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A request for everyone who posts machine problem

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This is a request for anyone who posts a machine problem.

There is a lot of really good info offered on this site. It is a great resource for everyone who uses an APQS long arm machine. I'm asking that when a problem is resolved, that the original poster, post exactly what was done to correct the problem. This would help anyone else with a similar problem, and help those who offer advise to broaden their knowledge/experience base. I think doing so will make the Forum even better.

Thanks. Jim

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Sounds wonderful.

Could also listing the help name, such as machine rattling?

stitching is wonky, top and bottom?.

how to stop the pokies?

What threads are not compatible, or what the thread is for, quilting, embropidery etc.? would it be possible to list the post number for the problem and the solution? so the topic can be found easily?

I'm running, so will say, lets do it,

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Originally posted by jimerickson

This is a request for anyone who posts a machine problem.

There is a lot of really good info offered on this site. It is a great resource for everyone who uses an APQS long arm machine. I'm asking that when a problem is resolved, that the original poster, post exactly what was done to correct the problem. This would help anyone else with a similar problem, and help those who offer advise to broaden their knowledge/experience base. I think doing so will make the Forum even better.

Thanks. Jim

Jim, it would be great if everyone who posted a problem could post it in the appropriate forum: APQS Help; Ask the Expert - Thread, Needles, Bobbins; etc. - but too often, problems are posted by our newer members and may wind up on odd forums that have nothing to do with the problem. These newbies may also not know how to properly describe their issue, which leads to more confusion.

I can't think of any way to let our "newbies" know of a more efficient way to get help - they usually haven't explored thoe forums thoroughly, they're just hollering for "help!" If you think of a way to make it clearer for them, let me know, and I'll get it straight to the top at APQS!

And FYI, I don't know of a way to move those posts to a different forum, other than starting a new thread.

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Yes it's always a good idea to circle back and close the loop on the problem and share how it was resolved. Sometimes this occurs-- that people mention what the fix was. Sometimes, as through many steps of troubleshooting, it can be a series (process) to resolve the problem. Fortunately most problems are easily resolved by thoroughly cleaning the bobbin assembly, bobbin, case, putting in a new needle, different thread, trying sewer's aid on the thread, adjusting tension, slowing speed down, etc.....

But good point Jim. It would be nice to know the "happy endings!" cuz you all know I love a happy ending!

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Hi Friends,

Great input as always! I have the ability to move threads to the appropriate topic and will try to be more diligent at doing so in the future. I bet many people are like me and simply click on Today's Posts to see what is new without giving a lot of thought to the topic headings. Then when clicking on the topic thread to add to, the Gone Quilting one is right on top and convenient. :)

We are always looking for ways to improve communication!

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I wasn't complaining about where the question was posted. I simply want to learn what was actually wrong/what solved the problem, when a machine issue is posted. I'm like Dawn, I look at today's (sometimes yesterdays too) posts and see machine problems that I can learn from, and hopefully help others with.

Knowing what resolved the issue broadens my knowledge base, and helps me know whether I know what I'm talking about. Thanks to everyone who has decided to follow up their problem posts with a resolution summary. Regards. Jim

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