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NQR Kindle Calendar/Planner?

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Have any of you Kindle or Kindle Fire users, used it for a planner ? I need to re-order my paper planner & I'm just sick of it & thinking of switching to an e device. I thought the kindle product as it's smaller than the ipad & I will use it like my planner & keep it in my hand bag. Of course I'd use it as an e-reader & stuff too! ANY input on this possible use is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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You can also use the google calendar, which is free, and that way you can have your calendar on your kindle, smart phone, computer or wherever you have browser access to the web. You can also share it with someone. I share mine with my husband since he doesn't update his calendar.

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I tried the planner program for Kindle and didn't like it. It wasn't "user friendly" in my opinion. If was hard to find things and change things. Different strokes for different folks I guess. It was either 99c or 1.99 so give it a try and see how it works for you would be my advice. I did like using the kindle for my ccalendar becuz I always had my reading along too!!!

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I didn't know there was a planner program for the Kindle. I'll have to check it out. I've never tried the google calendar, so don't know how that works.

I, too, have basically just used my Kindle Fire for books and movies and drawing on quilts. Hmmmm...a planner too. Amazing what technology has done in the last 10 years!

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