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nqr christmas decorations

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I took down my Christmas wreath sometime in mid Jan but have not put up a new one yet as last spring a momma bird made a nest in my expensive Williamsburg wreath and of course I did not have the heart to remove it so 5 baby birds and much bird doo later, the happy family flew away and I threw away my gross expensive wreath. So they are on their own this year!

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It is so funny you posted this. I just realized yesterday that I left my "winter wreath" on the door. Red berries with a really big crystal snowflake in the center. We have had an unusually warm spring with highs in the upper 70's. The snowflake seems a little inappropriate now.:):). Better question is, have I taken it down. mmmm... nope.:D

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Originally posted by Primitive1

I took down my Christmas wreath sometime in mid Jan but have not put up a new one yet as last spring a momma bird made a nest in my expensive Williamsburg wreath and of course I did not have the heart to remove it so 5 baby birds and much bird doo later, the happy family flew away and I threw away my gross expensive wreath. So they are on their own this year!

Well my wreath was not expensive but did you have to make me think twice about being a softee? LOL I knew it was not going to be fun but the thought of all the poo just isn't making me feel warm and fuzzy. I pray they are early fliers!

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You ladies make me laugh! I'm proud to say that all of our decorations got put away in January...even with all that we had going on. One year our Christmas tree didn't get put away until early March (did I just confess to that?)! It looked especially pretty that year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!:P

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SO Funny! One year my ex was asked to get a box to store our new fake tree. Feb it had roses and hearts all over it and then Madi Gras beads. Then came the shamrocks and then the Easter eggs and bunnies, After I decorated with the 4th of July red white and blue he found a BOX! Now you know why he is and ex! LOL

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You guys are all too funny, thanks for the laugh! I relate to the birds nesting, I've lived with starlings nesting in my roof, they can get through a slot less than 1" high! I blocked that off last year and they found another way in, I've blocked that off this year and hope they leave town! I also got sick of them flinging poo all over the concrete and windows of my house!

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Originally posted by Primitive1

Heidi, sorry it's true! I had to scrape the "stuff"off of my front door too! Nice huh?

No not nice! I don't like poo. My son had a parakeet when he was little and I have to say when my daughter came to me (age 3) and said that Samson was laying down taking a nap I wasn't broken hearted! LOL That bird could shoot some poo. I think I'll be singing "Fly little birdies fly" a lot!

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Heidi, I hate to think of you watching those sweet little baby birds, thinking "You're going to be orphans if you don't fly soon..." You could probably relocate "mom", wreath and all, if you move it just a little each day until you get it away from your front door. I've successfully moved plants with nests in them without any harm to the little family.

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We have many pairs of swallows that return each year and set up housekeeping in awkward spots. Den knocks down the mud nest they always try to build above the front door. Yuck! But we welcome them for their mosquito-eating skills!

As for Christmas--don't you love it all year round? I have two wallhangings--one wreath and one McKenna Ryan "animals decorating the tree" that seem to stay up all year....:D

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

We have many pairs of swallows that return each year and set up housekeeping in awkward spots. Den knocks down the mud nest they always try to build above the front door. Yuck! But we welcome them for their mosquito-eating skills!

As for Christmas--don't you love it all year round? I have two wallhangings--one wreath and one McKenna Ryan "animals decorating the tree" that seem to stay up all year....:D

LINDA, I really liked your wreath WALL HANGING!!!!

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In case you think I am really mean hearted - I do also have 3 hanging ferns on my front porch and they always set up nests in those as well - I leave them be and they have their water each day too....they don't seem to be as messy there - or maybe I just don't see it. I do have a dog that is part cocker spaniel and he just goes balistic everytime he sees a bird on the deck or front porch - so even with all the noise they still come and nest.

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