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NQR- visit to Disneyland

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I drove to Disneyland with my sister last weekend and we had the best time! We love the two-day drive down to catch up and we chattered all the way. The weather was fabulous and we left a bit of cash at M&L Fabrics.

The Sunday we were there was a non-Disney-sanctioned gathering called "Bats Day". It was all Goths, punks, vampire lovers, steampunk, and the like--in wonderful costumes and outrageous make-up--the weirder the better! There must have been a thousand costumed people there, all gathered for a group photo in front of the castle. Here's a taste...


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It was hilarious to see all these sometimes scarey-looking characters laughing together, asking people to photograph them, sharing photos with each other, and posing for us "normals"!!

I told a disapproving woman sitting next to me that they are all our kids, grandkids, or neighbors and anyone who gets up enough enthusiasm about this costume-play to participate in a group gathering is having a blast and not hurting anyone. I loved it!


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Linda I'm glad you had a great time with your sister, priceless. Good for you for seeing the positive in this dressing. I do fine with the dress I have a very hard time seeing the piercings in the face. All I can imagine is the pain of having it done and it makes me gringe. You are right not to judge a book by its cover.

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I never judge a book by its cover! I've know a few goth types and actually, those people are about as "normal" as you and I behind their makeup and clothes and piercings. :)

I love the bright colored hair. I think that is fun. But I'm not a big fan of that face piercing (especially around the eyebrows - yuk) and tatoos all over the body but if that's what they want to do, it's their choice.

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Originally posted by srichardson

Welcome to California!!


I live in a university town with a reputation for acceptance and tolerance of all types of people. This is everyday stuff for me, which is why I wasn't a bit shocked and was completely amused by this crowd. After the photo op, most of them, who had paid admission of course, went on rides, ate, bought souvenirs, and allowed any and all to take pictures. They are looking for attention, of course. And they got it! At least it wasn't a rave, didn't include alcohol/drugs, was in the perfect sunshine, and was at the happiest place on earth!

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They could be doing a lot worse things than dressing weird............haha I am sure they will look back 30 years from now and wonder what on earth they were thinking !!! :) Remember the 60s and the hippies ? I don't like the piercings so much - especially around their mouth or nose. I always wondered what happen when they caught a bad head cold ! OUCH ! My nose gets sore enough without having a piercing in there too. :P:P

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