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Opinions please--am I overreacting?

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Originally posted by MarieBrewer

Perhaps she will come to her senses when she realizes there is nothing like a "real, laser cut stencil. It's impossible to cut one as exact as nice as a professionally cut one so maybe she will never use close to half of them. You gave her pause, so maybe she will think twice about it before she pulls a trick like that again.

Good point Marie!

I am always amazed at the people who steal in the form of copyright infringement who would never consider stealing in any other form.

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This sort of thing is more common than you would like to think. I see students exchanging photocopies of patterns less than I did, but then they all know I will make a stink about it every time :) Most people if you spell it out to them do get why it's wrong, but some really buy into the idea that copyright violation doesn't hurt anyone. If you look online there are plenty of articles explaining why this sort of thing isn't a problem. I've just found one that claims "Piracy is a crime of giving." Um, yeak and depriving someone of income.

Heck I hear about longarm quilters transfering designs from books/pantos/stencils to their computerised systems then selling/giving away the originals. It goes on in all areas all we can do is try an educate then (in my opinion) guilt trip people into doing the right thing.

I explain to people that giving and sharing are acts with deprive someone of something. If you choose to deprive yourself for the benefit of others that's great. No one likes it when some one else decides they should be deprived though. That usually lets people work out if some thing is a copyright violation. If your action isn't depriving you who is it depriving?


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Maybe her tracing paper will get wet!

This really ticks me off. But she probably does this type of thing all the time and I back you up 100% for saying something. The teacher could have said something to her quietly or just walked over and explained to her how to share since she had a whole stack of them.

Some people continue to amaze me what they do!:mad::mad::mad:

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Yes, I agree with every one's assessment of this situation. I probably would have asked the instructor if it was okay to copy all of the designs. That would have alerted the instructor what was going on and then leave it at that. If the instructor didn't do something about it, then shame on her.

With that said.... I too had a problem with students copying my hand written instructions for a project and giving them out to their friends. When I found out the people who did this, I confronted them and told them that it was absolutely unacceptable for them to do this. For some reason they thought since they had paid for the class and the instructions were hand written (not published) they thought it would be okay to share with everyone!:mad: AND this occurred during and after class...why I didn't see it happening during class?? well, I was in teaching mode and really didn't think that someone would be so bold as to use the class rooms copy machine to do this...so I wasn't aware and would have appreciated someone telling me what was going on. But the old age mentality of 'not telling' that we grew up with as children, comes into play.

So, I made a mental note to make sure that I told every student at the beginning of class that my instruction sheets were MINE and I was allowing them to use them during class for learning purposes and if they thought they would like to share them with those not in class, I would like them to ask me personally for a copy. Then I could decide if I would charge them or allow them to have a copy privately. Since I started doing this I have never had another problem with those 'sneaking' copies to share.

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First, I hope my response does not offend any of you. I know so many you great talented gals and guys and I have taught many of you and it has been my pleasure and honor to share with you and hope to keep doing it

This does happen and yes it is IMHO wrong and taking something that does not belong to them from several people not just the instructor.. This costs everyone. As a teacher I have always ask that students not copy MY handouts and give to friends period. As well as ask those that purchase my DVD's or whatever not share them or put them in the guild library to rent or share. This is wrong.

I am may be speaking out of turn here, however, I have to say for myself and other educators, stencil & pattern designers, book authors, whatever...this is how we make our living and for everything that is taken and or shared we are loosing our income.

What was done was planned and she should have known better and the instructor I would assume the instructor did not know what she was doing...

Just my thought and again I do hope I have not offended anyone.

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I totally agree with you, 100%. Educators, Stencil & Pattern Designer, Book Authors, etc. worked hard to come up with their designs, write their books, create their DVDs.

I just don't understand why someone would do this AND not let the other class attendees have access to tools on the last day. Continues to amaze me......

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Definately start the class with the "copyright lecture" and where they could buy it (as Ferret said).

I'm inclined to think that if you do this beforehand, no one would dare try it... their conscience wouldn't let them!! ;)

This will save a lot of embarrassment and uneasiness that this sort of action invariably cause. To me, it kinda disrupts the class, eh?

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Hi everyone,

I agree with all and she should have asked the teacher if it was ok to copy them. Especially since she was taking them away from others to use. I suspect the teacher did know what she was doing and hopefully, at some point, did talk to her.

With all this said, I did read a legal opinion about copyright law, basically saying that if you publish or sell a pattern or design, there is an expectation it will be copied and shared. If sold you can take legal action.

Now for myself and the Guild I belong, when we do a group quilt we always call the author to ask if we can copy and distribute the pattern to the members. All have said yes, except Eleanor Burns. Her rep said they do not approve copying of the Fabric requirements -they want you take the book with you -or hand write it out. She did send us 4 books FREE to share with the guild. Which was very generous. Two of us had the book - so we had 6 books for 18 people. It worked, but not as easy as having a copy for all.

Linda, I do not think you were over reacting - glad you said something.


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that would be like me teaching a computer class and someone wanting to 'look at my computer'. The next thing they do is plug in the thumb drive or an external hard drive. No difference. Wrong!

Where's the liscencing police when you need them?? Not to mention that she was so 'in your face' about it!

She missed out in a great experience and she probably won't ever use the designs anyway :)

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