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I ordered IQ's new BasiQ and I can't wait!

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Well, I did it, I am getting Intelliquilter's new BasiQ! After thinking about this for a couple of months and saving my $, I am doing it. I am installing BasiQ on my Liberty.:):):)

Thanks to Patty Butcher for all the advice and multiple phone calls to help me make up my mind. You are truely a very patient person! I cant' wait for you to come and install it.

I will get to know this Panto only system first and then upgrade when I am ready to upgrade to full system. I think it's great there are so many ways to purchase this system and then upgrade to several other options, which I am sure I will.

I also want to thank Linda Stellar for her advice and information and Sandra Darlington for cheering me on... my Liberty Ladies!!!:cool:

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Guest Linda S

You will love it, Beth! The panto only option is a great way to start. IQ makes pantos pure magic. It's so nice that you can upgrade at a later date when you feel you want to start using it for other things. I've had my IQ for a year and, while I've done some custom with it, I'm just starting to really get into the line patterns and no sew zones. I think you're taking a great path into computerized!

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