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Large \"uneven\" area needs ideas please...NOW w/PIC of Yellow Corner Quilted

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I was supposed to load this a few Thursdays ago and it didn't happen. Well, it's up this week, and I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to put in all that yellow space. It's a huge area that's not what I consider "even". So what I thought I was going to do won't work. Any ideas? This is a wedding gift for the customer's daughter and I'm doing "light" custom (meaning it won't be heavily quilted as the quilt is 115" x 126" and heavy already). The only thing I can come up with is a feather meander. I'm open to other suggestions.


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I love feathers, so I am seeing feather curls in the yellow area. Sort of a curling Amish style feathers with the upside down "U" shape going up into the corners, then curling down away from the corners and meeting in the middle of the left to right area and again meeting on the top to bottom area.

Does that make any sense? It's so hard to explain what's in my thoughts.

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Personally, I think I'd go with the feathered hearts in the corners of the yellow - no matter what you do with the rest of the quilt, its the yellow that stands out. Then maybe something that will kind of blend into the background so the hearts stand out - its is a wedding quilt right?

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How big is that yellow area? I'm not a fan of feathers that are really long. How about doing a feather band that follows the perimeter of the star. That would reduce the area in the corners a little, and you could do some feather meander or draw symmetrical spines on either side of the hearts or do a flower/leaf background fill in the unfeathered area of the yellow.

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Put four feathered hearts together with the points in the middle. You will have a feathered heart square in each corner. Use a tight background fill around the hearts to make them pop. I am pretty sure I have a feathered heart stencil that is 18". You could fill the space with out doing big, awkward feathers. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

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Originally posted by dlnewell

How big is that yellow area? I'm not a fan of feathers that are really long. How about doing a feather band that follows the perimeter of the star. That would reduce the area in the corners a little, and you could do some feather meander or draw symmetrical spines on either side of the hearts or do a flower/leaf background fill in the unfeathered area of the yellow.

The width from the point to the outside of the yellow is 19" and the length is 23". I'm finding it hard to do something rectangular instead of square. This is where she added her length to the quilt.


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Cindy, I like the idea of the feathered hearts in the four corners too. For a background fill, I just took Deloa Jones' class on background fills using stencils, such as crosshatch or clamshells, etc. You mark the lines of the stencil on your quilt top but then you quilt inside those lines, such as using CC's or terry twists or all sorts of small designs that go very quickly but look really neat when they are done. Since I've just had her class last weekend at 02b Quilting's Studio, that's what I would do. :D;) Good luck, whatever you decide to do will be beautiful! If you haven't had this class, she has a book on it too if it's something that you might be interested in.

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Hi Cindy-

Funny you should bring up big feathers and wonky spaces. Yesterday I came up with a design to fill a large mostly rectangular space that was all feathers. I originally planned to do a feather wreath and just extend the outer feathers into the corners as needed. But that just didn't work in this irregular space.

So, I started with an oval concept, oval wreath instead of circular. Still too far to reach to the corners. So I morphed the oval to better fit the space.

I drew it on paper first, to make sure it was doable. Usually my stitching looks better than my drawings, but this time I thought the drawing was pretty darn good.

Here's the drawing:


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