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Quilting with my sister

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Just home from work, & on my answering machine a message from my sister (SharonD, also on the forum). Her plans changed for the weekend & she can come to quilt!!!!! Much to her surprise I have Friday off, so I told her to skip her guild meeting tonight & come out. I dared her & she took it! She is packing as I write & will be on the road shortly! My DH & our youngest son (28) are up at the Boundry Waters so was just going to sew & quilt all weekend! Off to run a quick errand or two then wait for her to arrive! YA ME! Live is more than good when you least expect it, or perhaps when one needs a pick me up......:):):)

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Oh, how fun for you Judy!! What a special time you'll have with your sister.

My sister doesn't quilt but when we get together we have a great time. We have gotten so much closer as we've aged and forgotten how much we irritated each other as kids. :-)

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I love last minute unplanned things ,I almost posted on here one day prior to the Grand Rapids show for anyone that wants to go that lives in between my home here in NE ,PA to anywhere along the way to just e-mail me and I would pick them up along the way ,I wanted to go so bad but not alone the ntire trip

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Judy, you are so lucky! Wow a whole week end to quilt with your sister. No kids and no hubby to contend with. My sister and I are very close but she doesn't quilt. She is hyper and doesn't have the patience for it. She just ooo's and ahh's over mine. I made her a couple of quilts and she loves them. She brings friends by just to show them my quilts and my studio. She is a sweetie.

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Sorry ladies, my camera was with my DH & son in the boundry waters... (they have beautiful pictures). I helped with a little sewing of the Judy Niemeyers, Bali Wedding Star of which she is working on. Perhaps Sharon is willing to give a sneak at what is still to come....

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