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Trouble with timing

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Ok, I had to glue my needle bar bushings back in and am retiming my machine. Watched video, read Manuel , asked hubby to help,but after I get hook in place and snug first screw I hand turn to make sure everything ok, but my needle is NOT making clearence of the mitten or glove side. ####have redone this several times. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?

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Perhaps start at the beginning. Check your needle depth. The correct depth places the needle scarf at the right place for the hook to make the stitch. The manual shows where on the hook the needle should touch. Hand tighten the screws, replace the hook retaining finger, and hand-advance the flywheel to check for clearance. If it looks like the needle is going to hit something, go back and nudge the hook assembly a bit--in whichever direction you think it needs to go to clear.

On the home page at the top is a box that says "support". Click on it and the drop down boxes will have a link to common service questions and a list for timing. Read there for a mental checklist of what you've been doing. I hope it helps and your fix is an easy one.

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I have watched the video twice and have timed my machine before. I,m missing clearence about 3/8" on the mitten side. Thought it must of been something stupid . Amy has been helping me with the bushing ant this was the last part and I thought no problem and now the weekend and am falling way behind.

On video it say turn hand wheel to check rotation and if anything wrong you will know. Well I know it's wrong, but don,t know how to correct or where to start .

question: when holding hook point is it at side of needle or on the center back of needle?

Well going to staart over today and maybe everything will go right.

Thanks for all the help!

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I'm at a loss since I don't know what you mean when you write "mitten side". That's not a term I'm familiar with.

The hook should hit the center of the scarf on the back of the needle--actually touch it and you should see a tiny deflection of the needle when it's correct. Lower the needle as far as it will go--the bottom of the rotation--and then place the hook so it touches the center of the scarf. You asked about the side of the needle or the center back--make sure the needle is in correctly with the scarf (the indentation ) at the back and the groove at the front. That's why the correct needle depth is so important so the hook and the scarf can meet. If they don't meet or they meet not in the center--raise or lower your needle bar so that at the bottom of the rotation most of the needle eye is visible when you look in the bobbin area. There's an illustration in your manual. Then snug the hook up to meet the scarf and tighten. Replace the hook retaining finger and test.

If you've already covered all this and double checked everything, I'm at a loss as to why it's not working. Sorry. :blink:

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You don't say where you're located, but is there anyone, APQS Rep or experienced owner, who could walk with you through the process over the phone? I know you've done this several times in the past and are experienced yourself, but there must be something that isn't coming together right - as you can well attest!!!! If you want to call me (509-447-3803), we can walk through it together and maybe find out what's happening...... I've not yet had to replace needle bar bushings - is there any chance that that part of the process is contributing to the failure??? So sorry for what you're going through!!

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Betty Ann. I had to go watch Amy's video to find out about mitten side, I hadn't heard that term before either. Is the needle hitting the hook assembly near the "mitten" side on the way down? If the needlebar depth is correct are you setting the hook point at the center of the needle scarf on the up stroke? The other thing that comes to mind is sometimes as you tighten the screws they try to fall into the divets where they were before and the hook moves out of place.


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Betty Ann. I just now signed on and saw your post. If you are still having problems, be sure and take Barb up on her offer. She is a fountain of knowledge and very gentle to deal with. If you cannot reach her, please give me a call and I will be glad to walk through every step with you as you go along. 503 -888-3415

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I had a thought in the middle of the night and held the needle bar stable where it was hitting and moved the hook till it was just missing the "u" of the mitten. Snugged a screw and rotated the wheel. It was close to hook connecting the scarf. I then fined tuned and made sure it was on the up swing and I think I have it. I have run the machine without fabric and thread and it did fine. Now for stitching. Keep you fingers crossed! I will let you know.

Betty Tyree

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I did it! My stitches look great! I don't know why I had to do this backwards but it worked. I wish I could post a picture. Thanks to all for the help , especially Barb. You made me feel like I was not crazy. I honestly don't know why it didnt work just like the video . It has a spa date in Jan. so maybe Amy will figure it out?

Thanks again to everyone and keep quilting.

Betty Ann

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