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NQR - Gotta love days like this

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Today was a really good day. Mike and I went swimming this morning then we drove to Fresno and had a great lunch (they had perfect calamari) and went to a very good movie (where we shared a big tub of popcorn) and then I strolled through Sur La Table (eclectic kitchen wares store). I bought a candy thermometer...I NEVER make candy. This must be spending too much time on Pinterest. And I bought two little spring-form pans. I could make Mike a really small two-layer cake. Pardon me while I laugh here. I might. Excuse me...laughing again. Well, if I do, I shall post a picture of it. The movie was "Enough Said" with James Gandolfini and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Very smart little comedy and I liked it. We came home and watched a little TV and during our "get up and move" break he is playing his drums and I'm in the office where I am listening to him through the wall and catching up on my computer correspondence. Gotta love days like this. I wish every one of you a day like today.

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Oh Shana...you're so funny.  I left them on the counter so I could talk to them.  I'm waiting for them to tell me what they want to be.  I suppose I could mix up ½ a cake batter recipe.  That's funny just saying it.  Did I mention how small these little pans were?  They would make cute little cheese cakes.  I bought some cinnamon sticks and some sage leaves to make a "Chicken in milk" recipe of Jamie Oliver's.  That should be interesting.  I've never used cinnamon sticks or milk to roast chicken.  I am stepping outside my box here.  He's a great chef so who knows.  I'll be sure to let everyone know how it turns out.  I bought a Ninja 3-1 cooker and I am absolutely loving it.  It's a stove top, oven and slow cooker all in one.  It's truly a one pot meal.  I'm for anything that makes me want to cook and doesn't make a mess in the kitchen although my husband is wonderful at cleaning up the mess.  I tell people I have OCD and ADD.  Everything has to be really neat, but not for very long. 


I am still sewing too.  I've made a bunch of microwave bowl holders to go with all the bowls I bought for Christmas gifts.  I've been quilting them on my DSM.  Not the most efficient way, but it's getting them done.  So cute.  I'll see if I can post a pic of some of the bowls and the ones I have left to do.  I have several quilts in process and two ready for borders and too many waiting to be quilted.  


We went to Vegas last weekend so I could get our youngest daughter started on a quilt.  I told her to finish the top and come home and I'd teach her to quilt it on the Liberty.  She is really excited.  We ended up staying an extra day because we were enjoying our time with her.  It was one of our best visits ever. 


I hope you're having a lazy and relaxing autumn. 

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I originally used the tutorial from this site (posted below).  If you have trouble getting it there let me know and I'll just send it to you.  I haven't changed this tutorial much.  I have some instructions where you just sew a straight line from the center of one edge to the center of the opposite edge so you end up with a *+* seam and then sew from corner to opposite corners so you also have a *X* seam instead of stippling or FMQ on the fabric.  I do both ways.  I always use the "Tater Batting" for my bowls then there is no guessing whether or not it's microwave safe.  Some of the girls here used regular batting, but you need to make sure it doesn't have glues or resins, etc.  Some of the girls here also put the fabric on their longarms and quilted it then cut the squares.  Great time saver if you are making a bunch out of the same fabric.  I don't usually make more than a couple of bowl holders of each fabric so I just do it on the DSM.


The first couple will seem like a bit of work then it just becomes fast and simple.  They are the NICEST gifts for people.  I have gotten so many thank yous and compliments.  These are great gifts by themselves, but if I want them to be special I will buy pretty bowls then go to my stash and find co-ordinating fabrics and I'm all set.  I buy my bowls at Pier 1 (can be spendy, but better with a coupon), Home Goods (great price with a fairly good selection) and any where else I come across pretty bowls at.     




Be sure to post pics of any you make.  I think if you do a search on here you may find pics of some everyone did last year. 

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Thanks Oma!  I was able to get the tute. Looks like very easy to follow instructions. Super cute idea for gifts, just in time for Christmas:).  I am going to start looking for cute bowls and material.

If you have more Christmas gift ideas please share.  I think this would make a great gift for someone you are taking a meal into as well. If you had things made up ahead of time. 


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