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Measuring quilt tops????

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When you take in a quilt, how do you measure the top for quilting charges and keeping it square on your machine?


Do you lay it on the floor and take several measurements?

Fold in half and take measurements?



Just what do you do?  :huh:


Crazy question!



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I usually hang it off the front bar of my machine and measure the length and width on all sides to see how square it is and  if it is just a little out of square then I usually just take the size it will be made to and charge accordingly. If it is to out of square then you can get them to fix it or take an average on the size adding the work time you will have to spend to make it the best it can be. Well that is what I do will be wondering what others are doing.

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I don't quilt for others but i also I hang my quilts on the front bar to measure, rotating and shifting to get several measurements for both length and width. I do not do well on the floor! And although I have used folding also, I always feel I am not doing an accurate job.

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I had a duh moment several years ago when I realized that there is a tape measure on the back of the frame/plexiglass table.  I just lay it there and measure both ends and center, then turn it and do the same for the sides, then I know I have correct measurements and don't have to get down on the floor.  As for the square business, I fold it into fourths and see how the corners match up and how it hangs when I drape it over the front bar on the frame.  I believe there was an article I read  somewhere on this but it has been awhile and I can't remember where it was found...

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I hang the quilt over the front bars and I use a metal carpenters tape ( retractable kind) to measure,  turn and measure the other direction.

I also measure the backing fabric and if there is not enough grace in the backing fabric I put both  together and work out the orientation of backing and top to the frame.

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I lay the center of the top and the backing across my front rollers measuring the length and width. The canvas acts kind of like a flannel board to hold the fabric n place. Then I fold the top and backing in half both width wise and length wise and put safety pins in the center for centering it on the rollers. This also gives you a hint of whether per the quilt is square. Be ware of Diagonal sets as they seem to be the most wonky. I charge by the hour but I also keep track on square inch measurements to help me with price estimates.

I like backings that are sewn by putting 2 widths of fabric together because they are usually square.

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