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I don't know of a single term that defines that. It a natural and inevitable process that is linked to how tight the backer is on the rollers, whether you attach your top to the leaders or float the top, and how thick the batting is. A thicker batting will cause more shortening of the top and backer than will a thin batt. It will happen on every quilt, never ending with the same measurements it started with.


We can make up our own terms!  :P



Hills-and-valleys sucking in?

Stitching deflation?

OMG-my-quilt-is-smaller transformation?

Pull-in or pull-up?

Shortening? Not like Crisco!


I like "shortening".

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I think it's quilters intake...but I believe it refers to the amount both the top and backing draw in.  So the top is 90 inches square unquilted, and 86 square after quilting.  The 4 inches are due to quilters intake.  At least that's what I have heard it called.l

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Musing back on this, I think instead of quilter's take-up,  I would tend to call it "QUILTING TAKE UP? 

As in the stitches being larger than the weave, it tries to fit the fabric into that smaller area.


Thus shrinking. squiggling, mish-mushing, thucking, etc. are all applicable.



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