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bobbin thread shreding

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Using glide on top and magna glide on bottom.  Batik fabric on George.  It seems the thread on the bobbin gets caught in between the race and shreds.  Changed needles numerous times. Loosened top thread doesn't help.

When checking can not find any burrs .  What would cause thread to catch in the race?



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HI Sue:

Here's my first thought: have you used the magna glide bobbins before?  Did you remove the little spring in the bobbin case?  That needs to come out for the bobbin to fit and the magnet to work properly.  If that's not it, check the case for any tiny fibers or pieces of lint that could be hampering the unfurling of the bobbin thread.  Let us know how it goes for you,  Nancy in Tucson

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The thread finger looks about right.  

Hi Nancy, I have been using the magna glides and my bobbin case does have the spring removed.  also have used the compressed air to clean bobbin case and bobbin area as well as done the wd40 a couple of days ago.  Used emery cloth on mitten area  and don't feel any burs.

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I also use the magna bobbins. Recently I was using a different color, one I had not used before, and had these very same issues.  I tried a different bobbin and still had issues.  It continued like this for several bobbins and then I was able to get 'good' bobbins and the problem stopped.  Sometimes you just get a bad lot.  I would try different bobbins and see if that is the problem.

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post-25249-0-52479500-1398874046_thumb.jpgpost-25249-0-61256200-1398874067_thumb.jpgLaura I have used several different bobbins in this jar.  I also just switched to a lighter blue from a different jar and got the same result.  It sews for a bit then quits.  hopefully you can see in my picture where it gets caught.

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I was having the exact same problem with my Millie.  Amy at APQS told me to slow down the needle up/needle down with the #8 screw so that it takes a full second to go from up to down (after the machine is warmed up) and that fixed 90% of the problem.   I don't know if this applies to a George or not. 



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The machine does not seem faster than the 1 second on the up and down.  Left it alone a few days, came back, changed to a 4.5 needle, changed bobbin holder, switched out bobbin thread to a different color and it still stitches for a few inches, then gets caught in the race, frays and breaks.  I checked the stitches and they do not skip or loop seem fine until the break.  Also have  slowed down  and increased number on machine to 8, notice when I change directions it seems to happen.  Do not like these Batiks.



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Sue have you tried turning the eye of the needle a bit to the left ie to 6.35 or 25 minutes  to O'clock.

It maybe the timing on your machine is out the slightest bit and this turn of the needle will mean your thread greets the hook at a slightly different time.

It looks like the hook may be touching the needle before the thread is past the eye and cutting it off.

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Lyn, thanks, I had done that before but I did it again after I looked again for burrs.  Finally found a rough spot on the race where the needle goes in.  Knew I had a  jam awhile back  and the silver parts looked ok but found the spot on the race.  used emory cloth, did wd40 again, oiled and put the 4.5 needle at 635.  So far so good for the last 6 inches.  Now need to stencil outer 10 inch border so it will be a while before  I really put it to the test.


Thanks to all you ladies for your help.

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