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Lots of Thread Changes--YUKKKK

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I've been working off and on on another Block of the Month Santa Quilt and I'm so sick of looking at it I can't seem to get it quilted. I should have been finished with yesterday. lol Do you ever feel this way? I mean I really hate this quilt. lol

I have one more like it to do and I hope I never seen another one.

Not often do I not want to quilt. I have other quilts I am really looking forward to doing. I think I have 10 to 12 and no more customer quilts. Seems once I made my mind up to do this I'm having trouble getting them done. I keep thinking of my quilts that I want to do. lol

Shame on me.

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I know exactly what you mean. I just finished the baby quilt I was trying to handquilt for friend of mine to give away and once I hit the cheneille I was stuck. It sat here for months, I finally just tied it, which I have NEVER done, and gave it back to her. It was a really cute quilt but I just couldn't get into it.

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Grammie, boy do I feel your pain! I have 14 customer quilts in house right now. All needing to be done before the end of March. My snow bird customers wait until 3-4 weeks before they head back to their home states and then flood me with their quilts expecting them all to be done in less than 3 weeks (my standard turn around time is 6-8 weeks) and yes they all seem to be the same quilt pattern that they all must have done in the same class. I have been working non stop for the past several months and I am wondering if I will ever have time to work on my own stuff again.

I am grateful that my business is so successful but all I am able to do with the extra money that I am making is buy more quilt projects (that aren't getting done) and building my fabric stash (which is colecting dust), LOL!

I am looking foward to a quieter April because I am scheduling myself at least 2 weeks off that is desperately needed.

Hang in there~


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I have a group of 3 women who do the embroidery quilts or sunbonnet sue/sam...it gets to be a creative challenge to quilt them because they are all the same. Thank goodness they give them away as gifts...that is one salvation that they aren't all in the same house. So like I said...I look at it as a "creative" challenge...sometimes I think I am fooling myself...LOL...but if it works, it works.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Teresa, How is your business doing? Has it picked up? I started reading the posts last July took time of and am back at it again. Are you able to work enough to keep it going? I am asking because I am going to buy a used Ultimate II, really good buy, my time has arrived. Would you now say go for it?

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I'm greatful to have my customer base. I've been very fortunate. I didn't mean to come across ungrateful at all. I'm just alittle hungry to be creative my own way and not my customers if you know what I mean. Do something that's not considered the norm for "Grammie". Maybe I'm suffering from Burn OUT!! So many quilts but only a few that say "I cannot wait to quilt this"

Today is a new DAY!!!

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You've all heard of "McTavishing" of course. I'm doing "McTearing-My-Hair-Out!" This is on a quilt I begged a friend to let me have a chance to quilt and just about everything that could go wrong with it has. I will spare you the awful details at this point (friend might be reading this ~~ Yipes!) Right now I just can't wait to be done with it and have it out of my space.

Like you said above, I don't want to be ungrateful. I'm so proud of my studio and the work I've been able to do but once in a while reality "bites" you when you least expect it.

Maybe that's why I've been here at the Chat so much lately. I'm just stalling. Guess I'd better bite back and just get it done! ~~ Eva

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Grammie Tammie--

I love to piece--I think that's what drew some of us to longarming-UFOs!! Now I have very little time for piecing my own stuff, let alone doing my own designs.

Have you thought of a piecing partner? Linda Taylor does this, and look at our own Myrna and that gorgeous Cactus Rose award-winner.

On your travels and your new adventure, be on the look out for a piecer as super as you are. Or you could design a top and commission someone to piece it. Keep your CQ in mind as you leave room to showcase your digitized designs. Then wow 'em with the quilting and enter some shows!

Sounds like you may have time to piece on the road with the new set-up. And also do more digitizing--great fun and with your DH too!! Life is good!!

Linda Rech

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Gals, I think we can all relate to wanting to work on our own quilts. I'm very thankful for my quilt club who supports my quilting business --- BUT, I sometimes want to just work on my own stuff. This past weekend, DH was gone so I took an entire day to just play in my sewing room. Now I have another quilt I want to piece - when?? I have a customer quilt that is not real big, but each block is different and she has some applique blocks - it will take a while to quilt and I've put it off longer than I should. So I'm going to tackle it next and just get it out the door. I'm also contemplating entering a quilt at MQS in the "Rookie" category; so I spent about 5 hours yesterday trying to design my quilting for it. It's ready to quilt now I think??? I'm really not sure I'm ready to enter a quilt in a show BUT I read Fred Hill's editorial in the latest "On Track" and it encouraged me to enter. Thank you Mr. Hill!!! Read the article if you have the magazine. I read this magazine cover to cover - love it!


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Hi All, I know exactly what it's like to work on a piece that you begin to hate. I have been working on this floral thing that I initially thought was very cute, pretty colors, springy, etc. Well nothing has worked the way I had planned. I was expecting it to be done by the end of Feb/first week of March, it's not even half way done and I feel like I can't even start on my next quilt until this one is done, mostly because I know if I put it away, it will stay away and that shelf is already too crowded. Teresa, if you're reading this, are you looking for customers? I have a friend who has mentioned to me more than once that she has a bunch of quilt tops that she would like quilted, knowing that this is something I do. I have not engaged in any conversation with her regarding completing her quilts because I am already too busy with my own. Please get in touch with me if you're still looking and I'll get you two hooked up. DB

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