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Just need to Vent!!

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Have any of you ever been in a situation where you were compelled to "help-out" by donating something to a worthy cause, and before everything was said and done, you just felt used?

I have been working on a charity quilt for a local Animal Shelter. This is a wonderful group of people and I admire their commitment to the animals in their care.

My frustration is in the way my donation is being handled.

In the time it has taken to piece the top, Quilt it and prepare it for the auction, I have tried to keep in contact with the Co-ordinater of the event as to the progress of the Quilt. Several times I have asked for her to call me, but have never recieved a call. 2 weeks ago, she e-mailed me saying she would need to pick it up that weekend. Then she made no attempt to contact me or set up a time. I e-mailed several times as she has never left a number that I could contact her directly. But no response.

I e-mailed again this week, and asked when I could drop it off to her. Asked her to just give me a call and we could set up a time. No Call. Finally got an e-mail yesterday. No time set, but she did leave a number.

( Sorry if this is long, But I'm just really annoyed.)

I call her, and we set up a time and place to meet. I had to re-arrange my schedule and made sure I was 10 minutes early. And Guess What? She never showed. I sat there for an hour. To make matters worse. There was no message on my machine as to why she was not there.

I think I'm a pretty easy going person and I always give people the benefit of doubt. But this has really bothered me.

The Auction will be held this Friday evening. There are a lot of people interested in this Quilt. I just don't know if it's gonna make it to the Auction. Driving up the pass to deliver it was not in my plans. But I don't want the Shelter to suffer for one persons Shortcomings.

I know there is a perfectly good reason for all this, but it's a little hard to see it today.

Thank-you for letting me vent. Just wanted to get it off my chest. Tomarrow is a new day.


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Hi, Laura! Sorry you've had such bad luck with this ding dong... sheesh!

Hmmm...here's a thought: Rather than deal with Ms. Ditzy, perhaps you could contact the animal shelter and speak with the manager (Hopefully it's not The Ditz Chick) or another person that runs the place, and voice your concerns about this person standing you up, not returning calls, etc...and explain all of the time/work you've put into this quilt! No way, man! This is totally wrong.

If it were me, I would speak up and voice my concerns about the entire situation to Ms. Ditz and also the manager of the animal shelter. I would get this Ditz chick on the phone and ask her point blank why she repeatedly hasn't returned calls and why she stood you up the other day. Ask her if this is how she treats everybody? Does she like to waste people's time? No way would I let people like her treat me like this. You are being way to nice, here, Laura. Personally, I am more than willing to bend, and I can take a little abuse, but when I feel like I'm getting treated like a piece of dirt, then I am going to stand up for myself. I will only take so much before I have to give them a piece of my mind! (yup.....I don't like to, but I can be a b--tch if I have to...LOL!!) ;) Oh sheesh...I think I jumped up on a soap box or something...LOL!...sorry... :D

Frankly, I would be very hesitant to donate a quilt to this animal shelter if this is how they have treated you. It kinda raises some red flags for me! :( I would ask her...Well, if this is how she treats you, then how disrespectfully is she going to treat your quilt after you hand it off to her? Can you honestly trust her with your quilt? And, if she doesn't treat a human like you with respect, does she treat the helpless little dogs and cats in her animal shelter in a bad way, too??? :( Hmmm... red flags for me.

Maybe after talking to the manager or owner of this animal shelter, you can make your own decision about what to do with your quilt (remember, this is your quilt)... after the conversation, if you feel OK about it, you can give them the quilt for their donation. But, if you still feel uneasy or get more red flags, I would find another animal shelter to donate this quilt to. This world is a big place and I'm sure you'd find another shelter that would appreciate your efforts, and treat you in a professional manner with the respect you deserve. You have not been treated respectfully and you deserve that, at least!

OK...I am going to shut up now... ;)

Good luck! Keep us posted, OK? :)

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Wow, Shana, you are awesome!!! Always there to give us all great advice! You really see the clear picture and we are lucky to have you as a friend....are you any relation to Dr Phil??? :P Keep on keepin' on, girl....

Laura, I agree, it's nice to be accommodating...to a point!!! Sounds like this woman has no respect for you what-so-ever and that is where I think I draw the line. We all deserve respect. (This happens to be my pet-peeve with the world today!)

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Laura, I really hear you on this. I've experienced a similar problem with the girl trying to organize my project. She simply didn't do a darn thing, after taking people's names and phone numbers and everything, and saying she'd get the photos to me etc., she simply went home and forgot all about it - for a month! All the time I and all the others thought she was working on it. That's why I'm so short of time and that's why I'm constantly here talking about my donation quilt.

I'd say just mail it in, if I were you, unless you think nobody would get it. By-pass Miss Ditz altogether, permanently. Don't try to talk to her about it, she'll probably be gone by the next one. Your work certainly deserves better.

I do have to say, though, that if you do talk to her Shana has the right line in my opinion. You go, Shana!

Good luck, Laura!

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I know how you feel about being appreciated. But let's see it from another point of view. My DH works with volunteers in his line of works. It seems sometimes that everyone is looking for an excuse to quit. What I see here is a volunteer at the shelter who is probably overworked and stressed. No excuses for her; BUT give her the benefit of the doubt -- maybe something has happened in her family or personal life. When we sit next to co-workers or work closely with an organization, we never know what's happening in that other person's life and if they are suffering on the inside. Don't let the auction suffer because of this. You made the quilt, it's for the auction not any one individual. Please step up a little higher on this one -- you will be so glad you did. The people at the auction are waiting for your quilt - get your satisfaction from this.


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Everyone has great points of view and perspective...that's why I love places like this forum. We can see all sides of the situation and not just assume one way is the correct way.

Sharon (Countrystitcher) has a great perspective. I agree with Sharon...totally give Ms Ditz the benefit of the doubt that maybe she is having her own "personal issues" and draw your opinion after a conversation with those folks at the shelter.

I do try to live by the Steven Covey saying "Seek to understand and then be understood." Wise words I try to adhere to. It really works.

Have a great day everyone!

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I've met you, you a extemely great person and I think what you are TRYING to do is wonderful. I agree with Shana, make the phone calls to the shelter directly and deal with another person. At least that way you know that your efforts are not for nothing and that you have done all that you could. Also, remember that not a lot of people understand the time and effort that goes into making a quilt and this Ditz may not comprehend the endeavor nor appreciate your time just because of ignorance on her part.

If you need to talk call me. I have a few days of down time and will be at home. 719-783-2241

Love ya baby and DON'T lose heart. ur doing the right thing.

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Shana - "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace:

Where there is hatred, let me sow (sew?) love,

Where there is injury, pardon,

Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope,

Where there is darkness, light,

Where there is sadness, joy.

Oh, Divine Master, grant that

I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console,

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

It is in dying that we are born

To eternal life.

(St. Francis of Assissi)

That's where Stephen Covey got it. Used to sing that, long years ago..... You are absolutely right, and I'm thankful for the reminder. Now back to my little corner. Gotta get my car serviced. Will be stitching some folded flowers, or at least learning them.

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First of all, Thank-you all for letting me vent. I just had to get it off my chest.

Still no call, but I am determined to get this Quilt to auction.

I am calling the Shelter and the number to make reservations for the event to see if I can drop it off with someone.

Sharon(Countrystitcher) -Thank-you for pointing out the other side. Normally, that is my motto and I don't let it get to me. Life happens to us all. Thank you for "gounding me" .

Shana- you go girl. I had the same thoughts last night. But like I said, Today is another day.

Thank-you all for your support. Again, I just needed to vent. Lifes too short to let one person ruin you day!

Happy Quilting to all!


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Been there, done that, will probably do it again...

That's what I was going to say, but you have received so many thoughtful and helpful answers, it no longer seems appropriate. No matter how it turns out dear, you can always know that your heart was in the right place and that you did the very best you could to help.

Keep venting though. It seems I've been venting here at home about one thing or another all week. Now for the sake of my family and close friends, I think it's time to let stuff go. Their sympathetic shoulders were great support for me when I really needed them and now it's time to rest.

You can vent here all you want. Combined, we have many shoulders! Hopefully all turns out well.

~~ Eva H.

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Laura I think you have already gotten some great comments but I just wanted to add.......................keep the focus on this helping the animal shelter. YOu are doing the right thing about trying to find someone else to get the quilt where it needs to go. Just forget the ditz lady and go on. Who knows what happened and if I were you I would just get past it for now. Do be proud of your work and contribution to some animals that will benifit from yout time, efforts and talent..................that is where where you need to focus.

I feel at the least this lady needs to call you and apoligize for her not being there for you! Unless there is some good reason I feel it is very rude. If there is a good reason then a polite considerate person would give you a call to apoligize. Now ask yourself is she worth your anger and frustration.................do feel free to vent as it does us good when we do!

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