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Longtime Lurker finally says Hi!

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Hi Y'all,

I've been reading and enjoying this site for about 6 months, and decided to jump in. A Millenium is coming to my house this month! So exciting...and So Scary! I don't have any longarming friends in my area and so have really appreciated all the many words of wisdom I've read here...AND the gorgeous Quilt Photos!

I decided to get my own machine after waiting 4 months for a quilting "appointment", and then 2 months more for the actual quilting to be completed. I am absolutely thrilled to have this wonderful quilter's work on my tops...But I got to thinking about how long the wait list is, and also about how expensive paying someone else to quilt can be...I'm thinking of quilts for 8 grandchildren here! And so, it only took a little effort to convince my DH that a Millenium was the way to go!

I drove down to Baton Rouge, to the new Louisiana APQS dealer/quilt shop, and was sold the minute I saw the machine. But I am still a little scared! I hope, hope,hope I can get to be 1/10 as skilled as you ladies! Hugs, Karen in Louisiana

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Hi Karen,

You will absolutely love your millennium. I've had mine for about 2 months and I couldn't be happier. It's a learning process, but it's been fun. Be sure and take the beginner course in Iowa if you can. Dawn is wonderful and you will learn so much. Happy quilting!

raggie in Missouri


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Hi Karen - Welcome - Yes, you will love your millennium and it will take practice but all worth it. I got my Millie a little over a year ago and I LOVE it. I'm glad that you quit lurking and joined in on the fun in here. This is a great support site for newbies and not so newbies.

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Hi Karen,

Welcome to the Land of Stand-up Quilting. ;) I'm so glad you stepped out of the shadows and into the light. :D

I bet you are excited about your new machine on the way. It takes some training and lots of practice to use these machines. You have a ready resource with this APQS chat forum to ask questions and get ideas from quilters who have been doing it awhile.

Happy quilting.

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Hey Karen,

Welcome to the APQS chat. No more lurking!! You are going to love your Millie, just remember...there is a getting acquainted process...you will not "know" each other at first and there is a bit of an adjusting period. You will wonder what the heck you were thinking...you will think there is something wrong with your tension...you will have questions, questions...don't worry...it is normal. There are no dumb questions. We have all been there. Just hang onto your hat and have a ball. Once you relax your tension problems will disappear, really!! And remember, we are all here for you!! And we love pictures - we are a visual group!!

Mary Beth

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Thank you all for the nice welcome! And for all the encouragement...this is a little scary,,,venturing into a new world of "stand-up quilting" ;-) I never thought of it like that!

The whole thing is very exciting! Raggie, I will definitely look for classes. I do alot of smocking and garment sewing and never made progress in getting to be a better seamstress UNTIL taking classes.

Now back to scouring the forum for all kinds of wisdom! Hugs, karen in Louisiana

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Karen, you are very brave to jump right in, and I think you will do very well. I decided to save for a machine because I cannot stand the thought of paying such prices to someone to quilt my tops when I could quilt them myself, with a bit more effort, and I'd feel guilty paying someone else to do what I COULD do if I tried. Ya know. However.... have I done one single quilty for my family. NOT ONE. Mainly because it seems lke a mountain of a project to hand quilt that I don't even start. So..... if I know I can finish a quilt in hours, instead of months, I will be able to make the quilts for my family that I've dreamed of for years. Yup. (How do you like that justification? LOL!)

So I say, you go girl!! And welcome to our online "guild". We have so much fun here, and you will too. These ladies are the nicest ever, and so talented and informative. You'll have all the support you need on these pages.

Now good luck waiting for your machine! :D Hugs back at ya!

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Welcome! Welcome!

Just got my Millennium and CQ a few weeks ago and loving it. I have completed 6 quilts and have 10 waiting in the wings from customers.

It has taken me 4 quilts to get the hang of things and sure I will learn something new with every quilt!

It is a huge learning curve...the first or 2nd quilt may have you in tears but by the 3rd and 4th you'll be zipping along.

My biggest problem right now...(and I'm really not complaining) is that I don't have time to get my sample quilt or pieces completed to show because I have actuall quilts to complete! Plus, I have no idea how to do a a sample quilt of quilting designs...so many, many choices.....

I did volunteer to complete some charity quilts for the local guild and this gave me some great quilts to "practice" on. Everyone was very helpful on this site with advice on this.

You will love it!!!;)

Joanne N. Jones

Ye Olde Forest Quilters


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Welcome Karen. You will never be sorry for this step. Just give yourself time to learn your machine's sweet spot and remember everyone on this chat is always ready to help and listen. some days they are what saves my sanity

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Karen: I also purchased a Millie for the same reason. I just got tired to waiting in line for a quilting appointment. Unfortunately I have not been alble to get any work in my area--------------soon after my purchase the only LQS in town bought a Gammill with a statler.....and I waited for two years to get my Millie. I guess my timing was off. If I had made my purchase earlier, I could have had a customer base established. I would love to get a CQ but the cost is intimidating. I could have competed with the other local long-armers but the LQS sort of has a lock on the customers with their "we can finish it right here" approach. Oh well, such is :olife. I enjoy doing my own work!

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Hi Patti, Thanks for the nice welcome and the vote of confidence! I just today, got my quilts back from the longarm quilter...They are Gorgeous! NOW I feel even more positive about the Milli purchase...It must be so great to have the skill to take a quilt top and turn it into such a thing of beauty!

My husband thinks the bill for 2 quilts is high....I'm glad he thinks so...thats one reason why I am able to purchase my own machine without a fight! But, considering the work she put in, and the beauty she created...the price is too LOW!

I am so impressed with yall's work! Hugs, Karen in Louisana

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Originally posted by Lindabuvens

Karen, Where in Louisiana do you live? I am in Baton Rouge. Quilt Corner hopes to have a long arm group form soon.

Linda in Louisiana

Hi Linda, I live in Columbia, just about 60 miles N of Alexandria on Hwy 165. I am buying my Milli from Sandra at Quilt Corner! I loved visiting at the shop...Such friendly ladies... Hope they do get a long arm group going...I look forward to getting to know them better! Karen Simons

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I have a question. I have learned a lot mostly lurking here but I want to know how you handle doing a quilt that you are not happy with. I have a small quilt to do for a lady from my guild, just a practice piece. I have not been happy with the way it is going. I know I said it was just for practice but I feel if I don't give her back a quilt that looks good, I will not get a 'real" one from her later on. I have had my machine about 7 months and I have practiced on other things. I had a plan for this one but am not happy with the way it is turning out. Shall I frog it or just keep going. It is a shaded 9 patch. Your opinions, please.


in MA


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