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4-Patch Stacked Posie

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Very nice. That flower with the trellis-loop sashing is the perfect pattern for this quilt. Thanks for posting the photo of the back (my favorite part of all quilts). But wait....where are those border photos? ;)

I am not the best piecer. Those of you who have received my birthday blocks can attest to that. :P So I too, have problems with my borders. I am meticulous about measuring (side, center, other side and averge the 3), cut and sew. But sometimes, they still seem wavy.

I went to our local adult school quilt class last night and heard something new (it's the reason I keep going...always something new to learn). The instructor, an expert piecer and quilter (DSM) told us that when she can (and it is not always possible), she cuts the borders from length of fabric.

Hmmm, I know that might not work for some prints. She says that there is less stretchy when the borders are cut that way. I have always cut width of fabric (selvage to selvage) and pieced my borders. Depending on the width of your borders, that might mean lots of left over fabric.

I did that very thing, length of fabric (80") for 10" borders. But that was because the border print was BIG flowers and I did not want to piece them together. I'll have to see if that cutting direction really makes a difference on that big-flower quilt.

Hey, how about some of you expert piecers ringing in on this?

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Here's a pict of the border. One of the better areas. I am at work and don't have a picture of the bad areas, but they are just not very consistent. I thought I could just mark the center line, but alas, I'm not that good yet and just stubborn enough to keep on going when I know I should stop and mark.


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Ok, this is my first post, so bear with me. (I know, I shouldn't lurk.)

When I do borders, I always measure the quilt in 3 places. Center and top and bottom (not too close to the end of the quilt). Then I take the average of those 3 measurements to cut the border. After that, pin at center and 1/4 and 3/4 on both border and quilt top. Line up the pins and work any fullness in between them.

I know it seems like alot of steps, but it really works with no waving. As they used to say on TV "try it, you'll like it!"

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Cathy - Don't worry about misunderstanding. Although that's the way I do my borders, I'll bet that someone on here learned something today.

Hey Vicki - I am having a ball. I go for my training on the 21st and 22nd and am very excited about learning more. Of course, I could just pop out to your house and get so much better training, I'm sure.

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I'm glad I took the class. If I'd tried to do it on my own, never having done any stack-n-whack, I'd have been in a maze of strips. Everybody at the class said they could NOT figure out those instructions on their own, and the teacher never referred to them at all, just told us how to do it. You guys are so much more experienced than I am though, you could probably decipher what the writer meant. It's a great design. Still haven't quilted it, almost did today, but decided to clean up my sewing room from making MIL's 86th b'day gift at the last minute first instead. Yeah... Well, and I have to tell you all what I found when I emptied out my old tomato and put my pins in the new one. But that's another story, LOL!

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