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Paper Pieced Candy Corn - Now w/pictures/FINISHED!

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Bless your heart Teresa. We are doing better. I finally slept well last night and Daniel is acting normal again. His quick wit and humor are back. I called the hospital's patient advocate to see if they had done anything about the bad service/lack of, that Daniel received. She assured me that that would not happen again. The ER Dr admitted everything that I told her happened and she said that she really jumped him on it. The whole ER staff got chewed and it is now a standing order that when Daniel is brought in he is to be taken into the ER, U of M is to be called and he is to be treated immediately. I also talked with the nurse for his neuro Dr and she told me that she highly doubts that the way we were treated would happen again, at least they had better not. So I think they got onto the ER staff also. He started the anti-seizure meds, slowly but will slowly increase. Waiting to hear when he is to have his MRI. Praying that no more seizures happen and everything will be fine. Letting all my worries go when I quilt, that's when all is right with the world.

Thank you and I will definately call if needed. Daniel wants everyone to know that he says "THANK YOU" for praying for him.

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Sheryl, I'm so glad to hear that the hospital got good and scared because YOU told them they'd better fix that problem! Tell Daniel he's very welcome, and we know he'd do the same for us, and we're glad we can do anything at all for you and your family. Our prayers will continue for him and you all.

Also I am so glad you can let it go when you quilt. I'll pray for many fun quilts for you to do that are cheerful and easy, oK? Or maybe you'd rather have intricate ones that take your mind completely away sometimes.... either way, it's a great thing to be able to just let yourself sink into something you love to do.

Bleessings! :)

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Glad to hear Daniel is doing well and has started his meds. I know when my daughter started hers we saw personality change almost immediately. Told hubby I had my little girl back! We hadn't realized how changed her personality was until the meds started.

On the quilt I have no idea. I'm not really a Halloween person though. I'll be anxious to see what this wonderful group comes up with though!


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first...is this quilt yours? And, if not, did the customer want to keep the cost down on the quilting? Reason being, I can see myself mctavishing in the black all around those candy corns. Dont worry about that open edge border, SID on the side it's sewn to and you could just leave that flap open. Do you have any halloween panto's? Or are you good at freehanding pumpkins w/spirals to create your own panto on the outside border? SID around those candy corns, make em stand out, since that's the whole focus of that halloween quilt. You could also piano key that black border, for ease of quilting (time and $) for the customer. Sry, thats about all I can come up with. Maybe others will jump in here.....

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Sheri, Cost isn't an object so I can do whatever. I love to McTavish and that would be great in the black area. I was already thinking of the piano key border because of the busy fabric.

Bonnie, I can picture the big zig-zags in the candy that will be cool.

Shana, Yes Daniel did get a buzz. Megan tried to cut his hair and he didn't like it so he said to buzz it off and she did, he wasn't to happy but the kids at school like it, ecspecially a little girl he has liked since first grade. AHH!

Patty, My daughter Megan has a beautiful singing voice and is going to try out for the "Sound of Music" this Sunday. Our local college has a private academy also and they are going to put on the play, they have invited the charter school my children attend to also participate. So I have been graced with hearing her sing all the songs that I love from the movie and wished I could sing. She will be trying for Lisel and Maria.

Thanks everyone for the input. What color thread, black for border and background and a varigated orange for the candy?

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Hi Sheri - GREAT NEWS - I'm so pleased to hear that the local ER will finially do what they are suppose to do and Daniel will now get the treatments that he needs. It is so hard to have to go thru that when they could have listened to you and handled that so differently. This is truely an answer to prayer. The Lord has been busy answering a lot of prayers lately. We will continue to be praying for Daniel and for Momma Bear Sheri!!

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