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Quilt Rescue on ebay is it addicting?

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I\'ve purchased a DWR - hand seamed - and didn\'t lay very flat, at all. I also purchased another hand pieced quilt. A gentleman bought a house and found it in his attic in the corner under the rafters. He smashed it - really rolled it up, pushed it into a shoebox and shipped it to me. It was so wrinkled I could barely get it ironed out, but I love that DWR quilt. I always wanted one and knew I\'d probably never have the patience to make one. Felt like a great rescue.

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I can\'t even imagine sticking a quilt top (or anything else that I\'ve toiled over) up in a corner of an attic! And, then for the man to shove it in a box! Someone put their heart and soul into that and then it gets abused. Good for you (and it) that you rescued that quilt.

My daughter knows that if I croak, she better take care of my cats, quilts and jewelry :D You know, the important things!

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Oh dear, ladies I must hold the stupid husband record. I hav 1st SH, 2nd Mean SH, and then there\'s the 3rd SH, then there\'s another SBF. I gave up about 10 years ago.....I don\'t trust myself anymore! Now days when I se that look I fling up my arms (like the orangutang in that old Clint Eastwood movie) and run in the other direction muttering "oh no you don\'t...".

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I\'ve just scanned quickly thru this thead and wow, what beautiful quilts you all have rescued. I have a "Bullet Proof Polyester Knit" quilt that my aunt made. A huge king size that is soooooo heavy, you have to lift weights for a week before you get under it just so you can move. But I wouldn\'t trade if for anything. She tied it rather than quilted it. It is very colorful and will NEVER fade or wear out!!!:D:D It spends most of the time in the linen closet but maybe I\'ll get it out and attach a sleeve to it and hang it on my tall wall in my studio. Just for a change of scenery!!

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Hear, Hear Jen!! I tell people that when they call and I quote them a price. My speech goes something like..."if you don\'t hire me to do your quilting, please hire someone. It would be a shame to keep that quilt hidden in a closet after someone worked so hard on putting it together!"

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