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MQS Confirmation

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Maybe we all should were a certain color ribbon so we can find people from APQS or something else. Only some of us have pictures posted and the rest of us are a mystery when it comes to what we look like.

Just an idea. I do believe other groups have done that to help identify members.

I love to meet others but would love a quick way to find you other than trying to read everyones name tags (they get flipped around).


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Ditto for me. I haven\'t received confirmation in the mail yet, but my credit card has been charged and it looks like I got into all of the classes I wanted. I expect the confirmation any day now, but it could be delayed due to all of the ice we are currently getting in the Midwest.


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Still no confirmation here in the boonies of Eastern WA. But I\'m very hopeful, since everyone seems to be getting the classes they wanted - at least so far! As far as how I\'m getting there, I\'m watching SWA as well - like you said, we\'re still too far out. I won\'t decide on flying vs. driving until the schedules come out. But I\'ll get there even if I have to walk! Well, maybe not walk - that\'s a looooong way! - but there\'s trains and planes and automobiles........:P

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