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Bamboo designs


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I have a problem, hope you can help me. I got a Bamboo CQ (Bamboo panto short) design from Sweet Dream Quilt Studio, and I went to stitch it out, didn't really think it will fit this quilt. She is the only vendor I can find this from.

Any suggestions? I am not good at pantos. This is my customer's first quilt and she made it reversable.


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Hi Theo,

Adorable! She is just wanting just bamboo. I\'m going to give someone I know a sketch and she is going to digitize. My customer is leaving the area and wants to take it with her. Thank you very much! I love your design! That was very thoughtful. Again, this is why I love this family.

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Is your system able to make designs for the Artista format for embroidery? That language seems to be a little more challenging than some of the others.

Just wondering. I have a friend who is producing a new 3-D version of Call of the Wild Movie and wants some patches as sew-on labels. I have come up a howling wolf with partial moon in the background, but just doesn\'t have the \'bling\' of a \'professional\' patch. This could work into a huge contract for me if it is done correctly. Any ideas?


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Oh la la Shana... Theo is looking forward to meet you (and so am I

Grace, about artista designs:

With Pre-Design you can *draw* for Artista, but you cannot create stitch files for Artista: draw in any sequence you want in Pre-Design, be sure that the lines are properly connected. Fill the regions with colors (by just choosing a color in the palette on the right and clicking inside the regions).

Then choose menu File > Export Color Bitmap.

Open that bmp in the Artista Designer software, take the Magic Wand, click inside the colors and choose the desired stitch types. Then save as *.art and send to the Artista machine.

The *.art file-format can only be made in the Artista software itself, not in any other software.

Hope this helps,


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Attached the repeatable design in CQ cmd format.


Loes answered your question so I guess if you have the Artista embroidery software yourself there is no reason not to get the contract. Good luck.

If you do not have the software there are members in this list who have so I guess there must be a way to get the job done.


This year we are married 35 years. Still heavily in love:)

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Thanks for the compliment.

If you have machines using the .pes format I guess you are working with Brother embroidery machines and PE-Design for embroidery software.

The designs I make are made in Pre-Design and Pre-Design can export to . pem format which can be opened in Design Centre and then via L&E files can be saved as a .pes format.

Once again thanks for the compliment.

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