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Machine sold but not goodbye

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Hi everyone. Well, I'm a little choked up tonight as I just sold my Freedom to a very nice lady from Texas. They are arriving Saturday to pick her up. And, as sad as I am to say goodbye to my Freedom, I'm happy she has a good home with this new family. I waited so long, but since her arrival, my life has changed drastically and I need to let her go for now... maybe someday I'll get another. But I just wanted to thank all of you for inspiring me. And, I will continue to pop in here and get more inspiration and great encouragement. Bonnie - thanks for the starch and steam method - it helped me more than once!

Take care, Renee

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((hugging you)) Renee, honey. I am so sad about your family situation and all... :( But, you know that us women are strong in the soul and we can stand the test of time and make it through anything. You are doing this and always know in your heart that you will make it. At this moment in your life, you made the best (wisest) choice to let your Freedom go to a new home and I know deep down that some day when the time is right, you will get another longarm. Focus on your kids right now - they need mama to be happy. Things always work out for the best and believe that your destiny contains only good things, so be patient and know that all will be OK and focus forward on the horizon.

That\'s the best pep talk I can give a friend and I give myself that pep talk sometimes when I need it! :P

Now, just cuz you are longarmless for a while does not mean that you are not still belonging here. This is your home always and please do not be a stranger. (another hug and smile for you, sweet heart) ;) Keep in touch and pop in here now and then to say hey...


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I am glad that you were able to sell your machine, but sorry for the circumstances that led to the sale.

My sister sent me a poem about attitude. The last two lines are precious to me...here they are (not sure this is an exact quote).

"Life is not waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain."

Wishing you the best


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Renee, I too wish you the best, what you have decided to do must be one of the hardest things one must do in life, but as Shana said "us women are strong in the soul and we can stand the test of time and make it through anything". When the time is right you will get another one...with time all hurts do heal and we do go on.

Bless you and Walk with pride.

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Thank you once again for everything. After reading your post, I almost want to cry also, but I can assure you that your machine will be taken excellent care of. I\'m looking forward to staying in touch with you also and with all the rest, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


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Mary Beth,

Yes, I am the new owner and thank you for the warm welcome. I fully intend on joining this list because Renee talks highly of you all. I am a newbie to apqs and am real excited about learning all that I can. I am from Canyon, Texas and can\'t wait to get home to start playing with my new machine. I want to get all of my practice in so I can start my quilting business journey. I have been quilting on a Bernina with a BSR.

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Big Hugs Renee, I am so sorry to hear you must let go. I was at that point just a couple of weeks ago and thanks to some encouragement from my friends at this forum and otherplaces, i decided to hang on just a bit longer. I hope I can stay hanging on. I think I\'d rather let go of my hubby than my freedom!

Hugs...life will get better

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Monika - thanks for thinking of me. Unfortunately my hubby left me! Oh well, that\'s what I get for attending MQS last year and buying the machine. Hee hee. It\'s all for the best!

Shannon - You are the best, thanks for taking Baxter off my hands. We\'ll be in touch soon. Take care of my baby.

Bonnie - stay warm. Do you have 3 feet of snow yet?

Love ya all!

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