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I've posted before that my best customer recently purchased her own machine. she now has a Statler Stitcher by Gammill and is running her own longarming business, OK no problem there.

The dilemma I'm running into here is that on her website under quilts for sale she has two quilts that I've quilted for her and the way she's advertising, even though she doesn't come right out and say so, she's giving the impression that she's quilted them both.

I'm really not happy about this and have contacted her in a very polite way asking her if they were the ones I did and if so to please credit me for the quilting in the sale description.

Did I do the correct thing or should I just let it go?

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Guest Linda S

I would contact her. If you have a byline on your invoices, as I do, that says if the quilt is shown or displayed in any way, she must give you credit as the quilter.


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There\'s a quilter on E-Bay that has a picture of Dawn Cavenaugh\'s Family Neuclus quilt. If you didn\'t know better you would assume that this quilter did the quilt. I e-mailed her and asked if she did that particular quilt and didn\'t get any response.

Judy, I personally think that you have every right to be upset and that you should be credited for the work you have done.

Linda, I would live to see one of your invoices for the wording on how you deal with this. Do you have anything about satisfaction guarenteed?

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I think someone who posts or publishes a photo or information without the "owners" consent is violating copyright. That means, she is probably violating yours\' and also Dawn Cavanaugh\'s copyright protection.

If they don\'t get consent, the least that one could do is to reference the source or owner of that photo or piece of work.

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Being a part of this industry - I dont think many of us could "just let that go and blow it off".....

I think you should look at this like she really is inspired by you and your talent and your past work - she looks up to you - looks up to you as the standard and doesnt know the rules yet. She\'s new to this and since she "did" the quilt top and paid for the quilting - she felt she could claim it as hers.

What ever she does - it still sucks for you to live with it. I suggest a new tattoo or a small non-distructive drinking binge without consequences of any kind.

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I saw a quilt in a show once that I had hand-quilted for someone back in the day...only had her name on it...boy, did I feel snubbed! I can just imagine it must feel even worse in this situation.

Hey, Karen, got my first tattoo the week before Christmas...after 30 years of wanting one! But, I had to wait til I knew just what I wanted...and wouldn\'t you know, it was a design inspired by something I like to do on the longarm! Pretty sure it\'s the only one I\'ll get, but the tattoo parlour guy said that\'s what they all say!!!

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Yea Karen I would go the for non distructive drinking binge , Maybe after that a Tatoo , if I could find some where to get one . Down side of living in a small town ,

Judy I feel for you . Good luck in what ever you do .

Linda I would also be intersted in what your work order says . If you don\'t mind sharing .

Do you have a hard time getting clients to sign ?

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If this happened to me I would explain to the person how our industry works, like Karen said maybe she didn\'t know that this would be in violation of some sort of copyright stuff. Tell her that since she is now in business as a longarmer either she needs to distinguish between the quilts that she quilts and the ones that other longarmers have done for her in the past by listing their names or she needs to remove them from her business website.

If she doesn\'t do what you want to give you credit or remove the quilts the only options you have left would be 1) try to forget it or

2) have a lawyer send here a letter stating that if she doesn\'t comply then further legal action will be taken (hopefully it won\'t come to this).

Good luck

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Well I sent her an e-mail asking her to verify if in fact they were the quilts that I quilted for her and requested that she please give me the credit on her website for doing the work.

She is an acquaintance so I wrote a very friendly e-mail and addressed this issue. I have not heard anything back and the website has not been corrected.

I\'m not much of a tattoo person myself, it\'s the whole needle thing. I hate needles! Drinking yeah, that sounds good to me! After the kids go to bed tonight I think I will fix myself a nice drink and relax with a movie and some chocolate!

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Guest Linda S

LOL - I like Karen\'s recommendations, but I think you should still let her know -- not in an angry way, but just for future reference. She might do it to someone else who will really take offense (possibly of the legal kind) and that wouldn\'t be good. I\'m considering a tatoo myself -- have thought about having Kat vonD do one for me. However, I need to find out if I\'d be allergic to the ink first -- I\'m allergic to everything!


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You might need to send a registered letter (signature required) stating that you want the pictures removed, or the credit given. You may want to mention the copyright infringment, and possibly suggest that you would be willing to seek legal action (not threaten legal action, though. THen you\'d have a paper trail that she is aware of the problem and has been given adequate time to take care of the problem.

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Snubbing aside, your work is your work. I agree with Karen that She felt her pieced tops were great and probably inspired her to want her own machine (yadda Yadda - been there ) But in know who quilted what and give them credit.

Be nice but Firm. Besides . . . cosmic karma . . . if she is decietful, it will come around sometime. You just may not be there to watch the show.

good luck!!!!:cool:

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I must admit I like Karen\'s idea too. I personally wouldn\'t say a word about it. I just keep quilting. I think as Longarm quilters for hire that happens all the time. Our customers share their tops and not all of them say they paid someone to quilt it. I\'m cool with that if it makes them happy.

Just keep doing better quilting and continue. Sooner or later your hard work will be what matters. There is always a quilt to quilt somewhere.

I stopped taking customer quilts by the numbers as I did the first past few years. All those quilts and all that hard work and not a single one of them are hanging in my studio so I\'m working and designing my own and it is more fun because I got to practice for money the past two years on other peoples quit tops and I\'m going to quilt mine alot better you can count on that. lololol I\'m slow but certain so I\'m just going to enjoy the process. lol

Best wishes and I hope you find peace with all of this no matter what. That is really the most important thing. Do what in your heart you feel to be the right thing. Your time will come.

Hugs Grammie

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