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Hunter's star question

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Some time ago, Ruthieq posted a Hunter\'s Star picture. I loved the pattern and asked about the pattern. Later in that topic, someone posted a picture of a blue and white Hunter\'s Star block. My search on APQS is saying no Hunter\'s Star exists, not even Ruthieq when I searched the name. Surely I didn\'t just dream all this. Anyway, I was going to U2U the blue star person to see if she had finished and hopefully post it as I am ready to start one and would like to see how just using 3 colors looked together. There were very few Hunter\'s Star pics on webshots. If you\'re out there blue star person, got pictures?

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Someone on this site mentioned a Rapid Fire Hunter\'s Star template. It is made by Deb Tucker. It comes with instructions on how to do one with two, three, or four colors. The templates also come in two sizes. The large one makes 7, 8, 9, and 10 inch blocks. The smaller one also has several sizes marked on it. They made doing the star easy and the instructions tell you how to figure fabric amounts. I got mine through Ebay but I do have a address and phone number for her. If you would like it send me a U2U.


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The hunter star block was also on Simply Quilts (HGTV) earlier this month. I went to their site and here is the address if you want the pattern....


Heidi - beautiful quilt. Love the batik & white together. Can\'t wait to see the finished quilting on it. You do such a good job.

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Another name for Hunter\'s Star is Indian Arrowhead...see Barbara Brackman\'s "Encylopida of Pieced Quilt Patterns". The book is published by AQS...I know at one time there was a computer CD of the book too. I bought mine years ago. I am not sure if it is still available. It is a great reference book, but no directions for making the blocks. Just lots and lots of blocks.

Heidi...love the colors!


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I just printed the paper piecing template from the "quilterscache" that was mentioned in a post a couple of days ago. She has a huge number of blocks and her hunter block has what looks like good instructions and comes either paper piced or regualr.

It is the one quilt I have always wanted to make in blue and white.

Good luck


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Yes, Heidi, that\'s it. Now get busy and get it finished so I can see it. lol Actually, I have lots of quilting ideas, I just wanted to see the blocks all put together before I decide if I want to use the 3 colors. I am using the Rapid Fire template and have made one block like yours. Would you mind posting the top even though it isn\'t quilted yet?

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I thought I had a picture of the full quilt but I guess I never took it. I\'ll try to lay it out tomorrow and get you a good picture. It is pretty big. I made 9 stars total. I hope you can be patient. It is just way to late to dig everything out tonight and get it posted. I work tomorrow but when I get home I\'ll get you a picture. I really like the pattern.

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That IS a gorgeous quilt, Heidi. Hunter Star has been on my list for a couple of years. Jan Krentz has a whole book on Hunter Star quilts, but I\'m for anything that will make it easier or quicker. The Rapid Fire templates are on ebay. Hope the templates really do make it go faster. I\'m in a green quilting mode and can see this one in greens.

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Here you go. The quilt is partially on the floor, lol it is around 100" sq. My daughter wanted a lot of white so that is why we went with the big wide white border. I\'m still not 100% sure how I\'m going to quilt it. I know that in the big star I\'m going to stitch a free form fern feather. My daughter doesn\'t really like feathers but I think I can convince her that this would be perfect for those spots. I really see something twirly in the outside border. Kim Brunners whirly twirly feathers I think would look awesome. I have a few other quilts ahead of this one so I have a little while to think about it.


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Beautiful quilt! I\'ve been looking at the Hunter\'s Star pattern that\'s shown in the Thangles ad. It\'s done in purple, blue, greens, pink and pinky red batiks. I love batiks and color! his one is beautiful. Now I see yours and I love that too!

Have you seen the one done on Log cabin blocks? It\'s in an older book I have. I\'ll look it up and post it later. Got to get to bed....it\'s1:45 AM!

Thanks for the info about the stars template too.

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