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NW QUILTERS June Get together

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Melora, what kind of cookies are you desiring? Can hardly wait to see everyone. I am folding up all my sewing machines and ironing boards and cutting table so we have room in the shop. and we hopefully will get to eat outside. and also, NW Quilters quilt show is that weekend too along with FD sale. Now that is what I call a grand weekend, friends, fabric and eye candy:D

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I just left a note for Linda down on the gadget section about her topper. I would love to see it in action sometime so I am hoping we can at some point add that into one of the get togethers. I hate not being able to eat ice cream so I take about seven thousand lactose pills and hope for the best. There are jsut some things you cant live without, quilting and icecream the just go together like peanut butter and jelly. Any cookie will do I have even been known to eat a fig newton.


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I just got Linda\'s topper yesterday. After I finish an American Heroes quilt, I am going to attach it and play. Yes, I know I have a CQ, but it doesn\'t do EVERYTHING. I want perfect BF\'s and it simply does not do them. Call me picky!!:D

And then the boohoo is that I must be here in Idaho for a very critically important meeting on the 7th from 9:30 to noon. Even if I hopped on a plane immediately, after 1.5 hours to get to the airport, I would not make it in time for the gathering. Big boohoo. I guess I will have to wait until Patty Jo\'s meeting in September. Y\'all don\'t have too much fun now, y\'hear??


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Nancy Jo!!!! (did you detect a hint of "mom" that always comes out when you use both of your kid\'s names?!)

You won\'t be here for the NWLA meeting? (now insert a nasal whine)

Won\'t be the same!

I need to set one up here in Olympia after Patty Jo\'s in September, and we will work around your schedule, baby!

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I know, but the condo association where I live did not consult my schedule when they scheduled the annual meeting. I am on the board so I HAVE to be here. You would think they would know how important I am and would check with me.:D:D:D:D But that said, if I come over after, maybe I could drive up to Olympia and we could visit Bayside. If we did it on Monday, BrendaLee could come too. Anyone else wanna go? You have to see Linda\'s toppers. They are very cool.



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Hi Jim - when we are at the meeting, maybe we could gather around a computer and show each other how we post pics beings so many of us do it differently. Bekah got lost at the mountain, I get lost trying to put a file on the desktop. I\'m a see and do person, and the directions that I got were the onlyones that made sense to me, so that is how I do it, and I can get multipul pics into one post so that you don\'t start a thread out with 3 or 4 posts on it. anyway, just an idea. Do you think we may have time for that?

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Hey, can I catch a "ride" ;). Seriously, wish I could be there. I just made a Circle Lord purchase (giant templates) and would love to see it in action!

No longarm groups in Hawaii :mad:. Would you consider "adopting" me? Love the area, may be an excuse to plan a Northwest visit!

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As far as I\'m concerned, consider the paperwork done and filed. Your officially adopted. There are many of us that live in Portland and could possibly pick you up at the airport, unfortunately, I live about an hr away, but I would love to meet you Barbara. If you come, be sure to bring that little 4 hr quilt that you made. Would love to see it in person!!

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Oh Patty Jo, you are so cool. You would LOVE Hawaii Barb. She is just the cutest sweetest person. And funny. Oh yeah!:D:D I personally think we should plan one of our NW meetings at her house!!! Hey, it\'s warm there. We could sleep on the lawn with the centipedes and other critters. :P:P:P Shana, you up for it?


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Barbara from Hawaii said:

Hey Miss PattyJo and all else at the NWLA - will be taking a raincheck on this coming meeting. Would absolutely love to be there with you folks!

We won\'t be seeing Barbara after all. We will do it another time OK Barbara?????:(:(

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You folks are AWESOME!! If I had my "druthers" I would be right there amongst you! Pacific Northwest is heaven to me - a quilter and a seasonal kind of gal (only one season in Hawaii - warm and tropical)

Please, if you are planning a vacation - come and visit. We can pick up some Hawaiian fabric and we can work on a quick quilt!

I would love to visit Linda, and check out the new "topper". A stop at Bayside sounds better than ice cream to me!

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I can host a Sunday, I am just 15 min south of Portland. That is probably about 1/2 way between Vancouver and Salem.

I will be hosting Myrna in September so you will all want to know how to get to my place before then anyways.

You who have met me will understand this!!! I bathed my daughters dog in cherry jello for her birthday! It was great!!!! Her favorite colors are black and pink. The DH nearly died, he said he refuses to walk her until it is all faded. Guess I should have thought about that before, as we are leaving to go camping this weekend and I have a broken foot!!!! :P:P:P:P:P


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Originally posted by PattyJo

Hi Jim - when we are at the meeting, maybe we could gather around a computer and show each other how we post pics beings so many of us do it differently. Bekah got lost at the mountain, I get lost trying to put a file on the desktop. I\'m a see and do person, and the directions that I got were the onlyones that made sense to me, so that is how I do it, and I can get multipul pics into one post so that you don\'t start a thread out with 3 or 4 posts on it. anyway, just an idea. Do you think we may have time for that?

This sounds like a really good idea Patty Jo. I have tried several times to post a pic of Bev in the avatar spot. Sometimes I just have to see some one do a thing before I can get it to work for me.

Brendalee, Love the pretty doggie. What happened to your foot???

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Hi Lynda,

We are a fun and casual group so I will jump in here and say "Y\'all come!" Email Jim Hogan to confirm your attendance (if only for a head-count for food!) and the lovely Bekah is allowing us the use of her studio. Her address is in a post above with a nice map to help. Bring enthusiasm, a favorite tool or technique, a project you want to show off or one that you need suggestions for, and yourself. We have a great time! Welcome.

BTW--We have Dale (moonwoman) coming from Astoria, I hope. Maybe you two could put your gas money in one tank? Just a thought.

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Hey, Lynda, we could ride together!! I\'m going and it would save on gas. I\'ll call you later today May 29th and we can make a plan.

Jim, I\'m allergic to nuts except almonds and hazel nuts but I have always been able to find something anywhere to eat.

Patty Jo thanks for asking about posting pictures I still haven\'t been brave (or patient enough) to try that would really help me.

Nancy Jo and Beth sorry you guys won\'t be able to come. But Salem and September aren\'t too far away. I\'m excited to see you all

Bekah, It just dawned on me you mean the Fabric Depot sale, OMG I haven\'t been to PDX for a very long time

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Jim, I like potpourri :D Not allergic to anything...kind of wish I was sometimes!!

I wish I could come...I have tried and tried to think of a way. I have ran all the excuses through my mind, nothing sounds right yet. I still have some time, I\'ll keep thinking. Chances are, I won\'t make it. Hope you all have a great time. I think you are going to demo the CL - Sounds like fun to me!!

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Hi Jim, Bev & Bekah - I just wanted to let you know that we have another newby to the NWLA\'rs group. It\'s Ellen from Eugene. She doesn\'t post here, but reads it, so I told her that I would let you guys know that she is coming. I was going to say that she is a lurker, and then I thought maybe I should call her a looker! If there is anything special that you would like her to bring to contribute to lunch, could you let me know? OK, I\'m so looking forward to this. I\'m counting the days.

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