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Everyone want to meet at MQS?

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Okay, for those of you who have attended MQS before, here\'s a question: If we have a class at 8:00 tomorrow morning, where/when do we pick up class information? We need to know where to go for our class - how early should we show up at the Registration Desk? Or can we get info tonight?

[Just checked the IMQA website and got my own answer.:P But for those who don\'t know, the registration desk will open at 7 tomorrow morning to pick up packets.]

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Thanks for that. I only arrived last night and was just wondering the same thing but couldn\'t find the answer in the catalogue.

Well it\'s 4.40am (I\'m still 6hrs ahead on UK time) and very excited about my 8am class. Gosh I wish I was wide awake at this time every morning. I\'d get so much done. I may even get a run in before being at registration at 7.30 - WOW!

Met Mary Beth, Ramona Quilter, Sams Mom, the one and only Claudia and a few others - give me time, the names will come to me. Really nice to at last meet people in person. I hope to meet many more of you.

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HI to the gals I met early this morning before the 8 AM classes! I\'m so glad I talked to you and learned about this group! I look forward to making new friends and getting help and helping when I can. I\'m here until Friday and I have a vehicle so if anyone would like to go to dinner some evening, let me know. Here\'s my cell phone: 217-822-2070. I have directions to Outback!


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The anticipation is about to kill me. I have seen Claudia\'s quilt and it is so beautiful!! But I have seen the list of entrants and the names of their quilts and I can\'t wait to get in there and start ooohing and aaahing. Oh yeah, and shopping!!

Funny thing is happening here. Of course we don\'t know each other by the name on our name tags...we look at each other with a blank look and then say our "Online name" and everyone squeals and hugs and it is like a family reunion.

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Hi everyone!! I know you are all having a great time and going to enjoy the shop hopping and the quilt show but don\'t forget the pictures of everyone to post here. Wish I could be there to hug and laugh with you all but it will have to wait till next year....enjoy and have a ball!!!


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