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Greensleeves by Marilyn Badger and Claudia Clark Meyers

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What can I say about this award winning quilt? It is simply breathtaking. Stunning and amazing design. I tried very hard not to drool on your quilt. Wowwwweeee wow!

Claudia and Marilyn: Would you adopt me so I can live with you and learn from the masters? Possibly some of your talent will rub off on me?

Again, wow. Greensleeves is a beauty to behold. I think I gained 20 pounds looking at this scrumptious eye candy.

Thank you for creating such beauty. It\'s a masterpiece.

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Dear Shana,

You can come to Minnesota and stay with me anytime you want. I\'m sorry we\'ve never met, but I read your postings and they are always so upbeat and funny.

I\'m glad you like Greensleeves. MQS was its maiden voyage and neither Marilyn nor I were there to see it, so I\'m glad it had some appreciative viewers.

It sounds like all you "chatters" had a wonderful time. Love the pictures of everybody. Maybe next year....

Let me know when you\'re coming... ;-]


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Thanks, Claudia! You are such a dear. Actually, I did meet you once at Houston in 2006 when you were sitting with George and quilting some pretty flowers and leaves. I sat and chatted with you for about 10 minutes..maybe longer. I wish I could have stayed with you & George for much longer. Perhaps next time. :)

Anyway, I am super bummed right now because my camera battery died (ran out of juice) just as I was snapping photos of Greensleeves at MQS, so unfortunatley, I did not get any pictures of it. Waaah! :(

So, if anybody out there has some nice shots (far and close,,,especially the close-ups that show Marilyn\'s amazing quilting motifs in the gold thread) I would be eternally grateful to you.

I do have some nice pics of Marilyn\'s quilt she entered under "Tools of the Trade" and it is awesome, too, but I just wish I had some of Greensleeves. It is my favorite.

Thank you! :)

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I loved Greensleeves and spent some time studying all the intricate stitcing. What a masterpiece.

I had the great privilege of spending time with Marilyn at the Houston show last year. What a lovely person she is.

Thank you for sharing your quilt with us. Here are some pictures of Greensleeves.


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Originally posted by quiltingmidwife

Sorry the card has not come out very well after being compressed.

Don\'t apologize...it can still be read... thanks for the great pictures...I was about ready to ask if anyone had any...I was totally intrigued by the name, as "Greensleeves" is my #1 favorite song.

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Claudia and Marilyn, your quilt is absolutely stunning!! I hope to see it at a show sometime soon. Congratulations to both of you!!!

Shana, Claudia is a wonderful hostess and she and her husband have the most awesome dog I\'ve ever met! He\'s so wonderful that after visiting them, I couldn\'t get him off my brain, and now I have one too. So, if you visit them; be warned that you may need a big furry four legged friend of your own when you return home.


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Oh Shanna, I\'m so sorry I didn\'t remember meeting you-you\'d have thought it would have stuck in my memory-a quilter from Alaska! I do get a little brain-dead after demo-ing George for a few hours and talking to everybody. The part about the dog that Sue Kelly mentioned, is TRUE. Gus is a charmer, but then so is Marley, her Labradoodle, who looks just like Gus. It is a danger, when you come here, but the invitation still stands.

Chris, thank you SO MUCH for the pictures of Greensleeves. They are wonderful and it is such a thrill to see it hanging there. You know, you send a quilt off and you never know if it\'s going to behave and show off or if it\'s going to be ornery and let everybody see that wavy border you thought you fixed. Like sending a five year-old off to kindergarten! You never know what family secrets they\'re going to bring up for Show and Share!


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Fabulous quilt and I\'m dying to see more details. I never would have thought about using the semi-circular or crescent moonlike fabric, but it does give the quilt a lot of motion and punch. I especially like the quilting in the white/cream areas near the points that "add" extra points. This scores 100 in my book!

Marlene in Tahoe

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Wow! Stunning quilt! Congratulations, Ladies, on the award. It\'s certainly well-deserved. Love the intricate design & piecing, then topped off with such prescision quilting...such talent. Thanks for sharing the info & the photos!

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WOW!! Thanks for posting the photos and starting this thread / topic. Awesome quilt - love the colors!!! And the quilting is just super!! You can always expect great things when these 2 ladies team-up! I love all of the quilts I have seen that they have done together!! Which brings up a question:

Is there a link to a webiste or a book at all about the quilts made by Claudia and Marilyn? Just wonder if I have missed out on any...

Also - What ribbon or place did this quilt win? Congratulations by the way too!!!

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Dear Claudia and Marilyn!

Congratulations to both of you!

As Shana I used a lot of time admiring both Greensleeves and Fifth dimension. BEAUTIFUL:D Pattern, Colors, Quilting .....WOW!

Can I come with Shana and stay??

I had hoped to see you again at MQS, but hope to see you in Houston at Festival.

Hugs from Janne

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Marilyn and Claudia, OMG it\'s gorgeous!!

Thanks Chris for sharing the photos with those of us who weren\'t able to attend and some who weren\'t able to take photos.

Shana, Congrats to you too. SO were\'s the photo of yours so we can see, Please!

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