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As Grandpa used to say, she's one brick shy of a full load

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I\'m not sure how all of you managed to get these bright and well trained pets. I have a labrador retreiver that never ceases to amaze me by how stupid she is. She was always getting out of her pen, a huge thing that is half in the woods and half in the sun with an incredible dog house. My DH decided to just take the fence down and mow down all the grass and weeds and make a new run. When I went to feed her, because I didn\'t want to go out into the rain, I just called her to the house to eat. She just kept whining and wouldn\'t come up. I had to go out and open the gate (Mind you, it is all there is of the pen - a gate and the post it is hanging from) to let her out. There is NO fence! She has stayed in her pen ever since we removed the fence! Now we have to take her out and put her up through the gate because she won\'t cross where the fence used to be. Do you suppose she gets that from me?

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You need to take a video and send it to America\'s Funniest Vldeos...maybe you\'d win $10,000. It would be worth a try.

Our labrador was not to smart too. I always said when she got in line for brains, she thought they said pain and stepped out of line:P:D;). But she was a great companion and I would have her back again if I could. She passed on about 5 years ago:(


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My sweet Sasha was Rottie and Lab. I used to describe her as "not the smartest puppy in the litter, but certainly the sweetest. She\'s been gone about 5 years now, but I still miss her. My current helper is Toby, who is laying next to me panting after our walk today.


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Good story!

We were watching a Great Dane for someone once. He was used to an electric fence. He wouldn\'t even go withing 10 feet of our fence. I guess their brains get really trained to what they\'re used to!

BTW, we\'re pretty excited around here tonight....our new arrival gets here tomorrow morning. She\'s a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Anyone out there have experience with this breed? This is a first for us...we\'re used to German Shepherds and currently have a collie. Having a hard time picking a name, too.....How about Pat the Dog???

I\'ll try to post a pic of her....


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I gotta tell ya, I would rather be around my animals then most of the people I know, I think they are much smarter and certainly have more personality then many people, and I think your dog is not dumb, but very well trained. She knows where her boundaries are and she did exactly how she was trained. I often say, my dog is blonde, there fore sometimes stupid, but she is so smart in other ways. She at least knows to look for cars before she crosses the street, not many kids nowadays do that. I think you just have a great story to tell, and I agree, you need to get the video out, and make some money off her. I know I sure did chuckle when I read your story, Thanks for sharing.

Also, Sandra, your puppy is adorable.

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Originally posted by SandraC

our new arrival gets here tomorrow morning. She\'s a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Anyone out there have experience with this breed?

An Ex-girl friend of my BIL had a Bernese...her name was Sage, and she was the nicest lady you could have. Smart and very protective of her family. The UPS or FedEx don\'t want to just walk to the house, they might get a huge awaken...not a mean dog, but they do their job of protection.

I don\'t remember Sage being a barking dog, just enough to let you know someone was there that you might want to check on...we call those kind of dogs the door bell.

BTW...they aren\'t small either....Sage was about 150 pounds and her head came to my waist...and I\'m 5\'5"...you will enjoy your new lady....

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She sure has a cute grin on her face... and those little paws! I can only imagine what size they\'ll be in about a year...

We had a terrier/golden mix named Falstaff. You can see copies of him in commercials with the flag tail and ears... what a cutie.

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