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Australia new Aussie product you will love it

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Hi everyone

I\'m at the Sydney Quilt & Craft Fair and have just tried this fantastic new product, made in Australia but can be shipped to Canada and America.

It is a tool that is very easy to use it makes crosshatching so easy and accurate. Has accessory guides ( rulers with shaped edges for clamshell, curves etc etc) . Visit this site for more information info@westalee.com.au, www.westalee.com.au and the distributor is: www.aussiepatches.com.au

The price is great, postage from Aussie is quick. Fits all APQS machines.

Have fun

Sue in Australia

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Hi Mary Beth, and Westlee (welcome to the APQS forum Westlee)

You will like what you see. The cross hatch guide is beautifully made, smooth rulers cut by laser, markings for spacing, a really quality product.

By the way, I didn\'t know the manufacturers or even that the product existed until a few hours ago, but am a fan already.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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Hello Sue and Mary Beth,

I saw this product last weekend at the Sydney quilt and craft expo and quilt symposium. It will be a definite toy in my toy room!!! ;) Belinda Betts trialed the product during her lesson/demonstration and was so impressed that she made them sell her their last one.

It really is magic and very,very well priced. The manufacturer was going to be on the New Inventors show.

It works well and as you said Sue, the workmanship is great.

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Originally posted by Susanne.Hughes

I saw this product last weekend at the Sydney quilt and craft expo and quilt symposium. It will be a definite toy in my toy room!!! ;) Belinda Betts trialed the product during her lesson/demonstration and was so impressed that she made them sell her their last one.

Sue did you get to tell Belinda hello for me.....I miss that girl. And now I was just thinking I needed to contact her so she could bring me a set when she comes over for MQX next spriing. She is too funny.

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No Bonnie, I forgot. Being new to this business/pleasure, I was just so engrossed in what she was talking about. I had a brain overload at the symposium, trying to soak up all that great information and the great tips!

That woman must have a least a trillion rulers to her name! ;):P

When you do see her, ask her what that lady did to her at the Sydney sypmosium, who asked her about her top Five rulers and five only!!! ......... I only gave her a choice of no more than five........... however, we broadened it to five sets and we got to set 5A and 5B and then she continued to her sixth and seventh favourite ones.

She is a really lovely lady and I understand why the two of you would have hit it off!

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It is called "The Longarm Machine Cross Hatch Guide"and provides an accurate 45, 60 and 90 degree guide for longarm machine quilting to use from left or right. The basic tool is supplied with the 3" straight guide.

There are a further 14 double sided guides, that can be purchased seperately giving you another 28 patterns. They will have a video on their web site, but last Sunday, they still hadn\'t had the chance to load it on the web and they have been to the Sydney Craft show this week and weekend, so be patient. It is that new! It is really well received by the quilters who have seen it and a really good tool. Very easy to use! The Guides are very substantially made as well - very solid and firm.

The price I have is AUS$89.00 for the basic guide and AUS$59.00 for the accessories. If you have a business, I would enquire about Wholesale prices.

Hope that helps a little.

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Originally posted by Susanne.Hughes

That woman must have a least a trillion rulers to her name! ;):P

Yes, she does....she truely is the queen of rulers, and the Circle Lord....when she was here the spring of 2007 she took home on the plane at least 6 of the big huge CL boards as her carry on.

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Hi from Westalee

The current range of Cross Hatch Guides are on the web site www.westalee.com.au

The Rulers with Locking fabric guide use and adjustable guide beneath the ruler to sewt against the fabric. I will put the instructions on the web page as soon as I get back from the Craft and Quilt Show in Sydney.

Quilter\'s Rule will be manufacturing in the U.S.A. and distributing our range.


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