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What the #?%!!!!!! ???SNOWING AGAIN????

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I just looked out my window and guess what-It\'s June 11 and it\'s snowing AGAIN!!!! Now don\'t get me wrong I love the snow -We moved here for the weather! For the real 4 seasons (Four seasons before was hot and rain!!LOL) But Mother Nature has been teasing us here in Montana it was 68 degrees yesterday!!!! The weather report says possibilities of up to 6" today! I am ready for Spring but I fear that once the snow stops it will be Summer!!! AARRRGGG!!!


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Hi Sewhappy

It seems to be one of those years when the sun doesn\'t shine and the weather just can\'t warm up. It gets a person down when it is so cool so late, doesn\'t it? I guess we have to keep telling ourselves it will warm up eventually. Does quilting help you feel better? Here\'s hoping your weather soon improves.


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68 degrees sounds wonderful compared to our 100 plus humidity yesterday. I could use some snow to cool down. My tomato plants are loving the heat.

We actually had a beautiful spring. I could have that season 6 months out of the year and then fall with summer and winter being only 1 month each:)


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Spring for 6 months is often what it is like here is the Pacific NW, but not this year. It has been winter for 8 months now and I, for one, am tired of it. But I agree with sewhappy, I am afraid that we will go right to hot weather also and skip spring. After reading her post, however, I realize that I have nothing to complain about, we haven\'t had any snow at my house since April 30. ;-)

I have been getting lots of quilting done!

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My sister in Great Falls, just called and asked if I would be willing to trade some of my 90\'s for their 34 and 6 inches of snow......Snow in Montana the middle of June is rare....even in the mountains where SewHappy is.....I guess we just never know what\'s going to happen.

;):PI told her she could keep it...I wasn\'t interested in that right now.

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We\'re experiencing a beautiful spring in the Ozarks. 80\'s during the day and 60\'s overnight. We\'ve had too much rain, but we\'re never more than three weeks from a drought around here, so we don\'t complain too much!

I love snow and cold weather, but Margie is the quintessential beach bunny. If it\'s below 90 she\'s freezing.

Unfortunately, our winter precipitation came in the form of ice instead of snow and that\'s not very fun. Long power outages, horrible driving conditions, and worst of all - no snow ice cream!!

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I\'m in Northern CA--way north, not Bay Area north. We\'re up in the Sierra\'s between Reno and Chico and north of Truckee. Its been really weird weather here too. The weekend prior to Memorial Day, we had high 90s. Memorial Day weekend--it was raining and cold!

Lately, we\'ll have a warm day that\'s lovely, then a colder one. I love spring and fall, but the super heat in the middle of summer and the feet of snow in the winter are only okay briefly...very briefly!:P

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Sew Happy....

You aren\'t the only one with snow falling in June....I\'m located in central Oregon and it was snowing yesterday morning too...a stormm went through with winds and rain, snowing in the Cascade mountain passes.......


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This past weekend our weather was in the upper 90\'s with a high humidity that made it feel even worse. We broke a bunch of records around here. This is New England not the kind of weather we normally get. At one point I was outside and was so hot that I got a headache, was dizzy and my knees were rubbery, and I was in the shade. I had heard about the snow out west, trust me, I would have been rolling in it. Fortunately today is much milder in the 80\'s. Dianne

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Well I for one am thrilled with the overcast, slightly drizzly days. But then, I am a native Oregonian. We\'ve just had our "Rose Festival", so now the rain will stop, but it won\'t really warm up until after the 4th of July. Meanwhile, I\'m loving it! Even riding my bike for short errands.


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Here in Philadelphia the weather was very nice today (although I was in the office from 9-5). However the last two days were 100+ and very humid. Unfortunately, the HVAC system at work wasn\'t working and the offices were in the 80s with no circulation. yuck!

I don\'t like the ice someone mentioned, but I do like snow. I like all 4 seasons, but hate the extreme heat and the high humidity of summer.

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