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Circle Lord & laser stylus

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I posted this earlier but it seems to have vanished into the ether. Apologies if it reappears and there are two almost identical posts

Since putting my circle lord stylus on my machine, I cannot work out where/how my laser stylus goes on.

So I have to use either/or.

What did you all do. Photos would be good



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Jen said when they go shopping, people will look at them from across the store and smile and stare...at first she thought it was someone she should know, but then they would come over to them and talk about how beautiful Haylee\'s eyes are....

Oh no, I sound like a grandma!!:D:P

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MB, Haylee is such a cutey-pie. In another month or two, she will be walking all over. That\'s when the real trouble starts.

Hi Chris,

I hope you got your CL and laser working. You are going to love that CL. What templates did you get?

I also wanted to say thank you for the wonderful DVD. I can\'t believe how organized it is. You better not let MQS see this or they will be trying to hire you and Tim to make the next CD. Wait, then you can come to MQS next year, too.;)

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\'Welly\' is a collequal term used to describe when you want to put some physical effort into something.

To explain, welly is short for wellington boot (a gum boot). Boots quite often used by farmers when driving tractors. The boot is applied to the accelerator to increase speed, thus \'giving it welly\'. Also associated with racing drivers and footballers. Enough?!

I could have said I gave it some elbow grease.


You are most welcome and of course I will be at MQS next year. Did I need an excuse?

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