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Linda! :P I did this a couple of times only I came home from work at 5:30 PM and laid down to take a quick cat nap -- woke up to read the clock says 8:15 and I jump up in a giant panic, heart racing, run over to start the shower cuz I overslept for work... it was actually 8:15 PM, not AM... duh!! BTDT a couple of times... One time I even drove to work on a Saturday morning all the while thinking how quiet the streets were and the office parking lot was empty... :o Doh!...OK...I turn around quietly and sneak back home...

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Shana...you have a good excuse....at least in your part of the woods it stays daylight almost 20 a day in the summer...

What would kill me I think is the long nights.

And as far as going to work on a Saturday...I would have kept going and gone shopping....:)

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Last weekend I was doing the NQA in Columbus, Oh. I called a friend to tell her how many beautiful quilts they had and I started looking all over the room for my phone because it wasn't in the case. My friend said what are you doing ? "Looking for my phone : I said . I think she was still laughing at me when I got home two days later. I had a good laugh too. I was really glad my husband had left the room.

Thanks for sharing.


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I have pads of paper and a pen in every room... I can't go even a few seconds without forgetting something. If I leave a room with a thought in my head, and find it missing, I just go back to where I started! It's still there!

I went so far as to change the locks on my apt. because things were always being moved with out my recolection of being the one who did the moving... I think it helped, cause everything's stayin' put. So, it wasn't the ghost, but if it was my stalker, he can't get in anymore!!! LOL (and if it was me, then I cured myself!)

I think that in todays world everyone is sooo busy, so involved and has so many more tasks to do on a daily basis, you can't possibly hold that much stuff in your head! However, when you are that busy, it's easier to remember things cause you're more organized... am I making any sense here at all? It's past my bedtime,,, nite nite.

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I wasn't going to confess this, but since we seem to be letting our hair down so to speak here is my WORST one yet todate, I done many, but this one if my most famous one, and my sister will not let me forget it.

This was about 6 years ago when I was SO stressed I couldn't have told you which way was up let alone my own name.

I had been quilting a nasty king sized quilt, I was about 2 hours behind on delivery...I have a big mouth and have a tendency to tell you when I will deliver it, and beat myself up when its not there on time, Oh did I say being punctual is also a bad habit I have....I didn't want to let this person down and had been having machine trouble ALL DAY... thread, needles and just all the rest one can have in a day.

Got the quilt done grabbed it off the machine trimmed it out real quick and started out the door with it and my keys in hand....OH BUT WAIT where is my cell phone...didn't have it and not sure just where it is, and can't remember when I last used it that day....called it....okay its behind me, so walked into that room, no phone, but where is it....called it again....still behind me but now in a different direction so walked that direction and still can't find it. Okay...one more time and if I can't find it's just going to have to stay here and I will deal with it later....called it...still behind me, but yet still coming from a different direction.....

I have a nasty habit that when I get flustered I put my hands in my back pockets of my Levi's......yep ya guessed it....it was in my back pocket all the time...and I didn't know it.

So even today...if I can't find something I look there first....and my sister is continously asking me if its in my back pocket..... I have stopped telling her when I loose something, its not worth the chuckle I get from her before she so kindly reminds me its in my back pocket.


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ok....here's my ......stupid move!:P I work in a chiropractor's office. We do what you call ultrasound on our patients after the Doc works on them. The ultra sound machine hangs on the wall and has the 'wand' that you take off of it to do the ultra sound. (Kind of looks like a phone that hangs on the wall) Well, I've done it more than once... I pick up the wand to ultrasound the patient and put it up to my ear...like a phone!!:P:P:P Well, if the patient is the only one in the room, your ok, cause usually they are laying face down on the bed. BUT I've done it a couple of times when another person is in the room with them!! BOY!! Do I look stupid then!!!:P:P:P One comforting thought, all the ladies in the office have done it!! Man, is that silly or what???!!:P linda

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