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lots of thread!!

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since I started quilting in 2002 I have collected a lot of extra thread that I dont use anymore. If I had to guess, there is probably about 800 bucks (retail) here. I'll sell all of it for $200 and provide shipping anywhere in the US. Send me a U2U if you are interested.

It is all Guterman thread. most of it has never been broken into. They are 1 gallon bags...some of them stuffed and some are overflow.

ALSO, I put a video up on YouTube about an alternate way to get blue marker out. check it out!


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Hey Shana,

I wanted to do that as a practice to see how the whole video thing works. I was thinking about doing a couple of demos on the stuff I get asked about a lot. I just have to wait for the right customer quilt to come up to put the design on. :)


I sent you a U2U

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Jessica - Thanks for the video, I just asked that question at the LA meeting Weds. I've been having trouble with the blue not coming all the way out... I HATE that when it happens... if you spritz - it soaks thru and gets into the batting and then it travels and indescriminately shows up somewhere else on the quilt!

The sponge makes all the sense in the world! What a sweetheart you are for sharing with us!

Sorry, I probably have that much thread toooooo hope you can unload it!

Bobbi P - love your avatar!

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