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How do you decide what quilt shows to enter?

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How do you pluck up the courage to decide that a quilt should go to a big show?

I was wondering how people decide which shows to enter out of the many that exist in Europe and the USA (or even Oz and other far flung places!)?

I have nearly finished my FOQ Birmingham quilt and I have been asked what will I do with it afterwards... !

In the UK most of the shows' rules state that once quilt has been in a show once that is it - it can't be entered anywhere in UK again.

Ferret had fab work in FOQ last year but it was not until it went to Road2California that it was really appreciated.

I can't imagine what postage is would be - it's pretty heavy but I would love to send a quilt to the States to be judged... how do you know if a quilt would suit a particular show?

Just wondering... after all - I did work hard on this one!



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All good questions! My husband has told me that we would take a family vacation and go to the 25th AQS show next year - IF I had a quilt in it!!! I really think I HAVE to do this - because it is even on my Birthday! I have never been to the Paducah show and would LOVE to do it!

I know that even with our local county fairs going on now, some state in the rules that you must be a resident of the county that the fair is held in, then some do NOT say that. I think it goes the same with the big Quilt shows too. Just need to read the rules. Most of them do have websites to find out this info. at too.

I need to check into this as well....

I look forward to some responses from all of those Big show Ribbon winners!!! Sherry??? Anyone???

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I actually got on line, found quilt shows, listed show dates, submit dates, prize money, requirements for submitting entry, and website and put onto an excel spreadsheet. Every year of course the dates change but you have a general idea where they are. I am having a quilt machine quilted by a phenomenal professional (I am too much a newbie)and wanted to know what shows to enter as you only have 2 years to show a quilt from the date of the last stitch. You can sort the spreadsheet by submission dates, or show dates, so can plan out when they quilt will travel and have to get to the next place. I'd recommend it.

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Remember the new rules at lots of big shows about the relationship between the piecer and the quilter. Read those rules carefully--we had a nice discussion about the "no paid quilters" rule a while ago. Now it must be a true collaboration to enter a two-person quilt in the big shows.

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Those are interesting questions. I'm still plucking up the courage to enter a show!

I didn't know that in the UK a quilt may only enter once. There are quilts I have seen and admired at Ardingly, FOQ and Sandown that I could have sworn I'd seen at one of the other shows??

It does seem a shame that something that has had so much work put into it should have such a short shelf life and that just a few get to see it.

I will look out for your work at Birmingham. What is it called?

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Thanks for the responses so far... a spreadsheet sounds clever! Thanks for offering to adopt my quilt Bobbette!:P

I think I'm also wondering what style of quilt would suit a particular show. I may apply for Paduach as that is where I got the idea but I'd love an excuse to go to MQS or perhaps a show where I could pretend I had the interests of the accompanying family in mind...

Chris - Birmingham demands that the quilt is a show "virgin" but you got me to check the rules for the Grosvenor competitions and I don't actually see a rule about a quilt that has been at another show on their circuit so perhaps that will save me a job of making one for the Scottish Championships! I could even send 2!! Although I could swear that more than one experienced quilter has said you are not meant to enter the same quilt twice but no-one pays any attention:o

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Hi Linzi, I have only entered one show but I have some prosepects for this year.

How do you know which show to enter? I looked for shows that have rules that conform to the quilt that I made. For example, MQS has a Bread and Butter category which allows you to use whatever you want (including a panto) to complete a quilt. You may not enter the same quilt at MQS more than once.

MQInnovations (Tacoma, WA) catalog is just out and I am studying that. I am definitely entering the Creativity Challenge. Not sure if they have any 1-show only rules.

And Road to California (Road2CA) has some different catagories that easily eliminate me. Lots of applique. But I have found a couple of categories that I could fit in. Road2CA is close to me but the deadline is looming so don't hesitate if you are thinking of entering. Oh, and Road did not put their categories on their web-site. I had to email them to get a copy of the categories and the rules. (see .pdf below) Entries must have been finished on or after 1 Jan 2007 - not sure I understand that. And they also have the one-time only entry to Road2CA rule as well.

I know that AQS has recently changed their rules about professional quilters. Too complicated for me.

Good luck, Linzi. I would love to see your work at Road. I can tell you that Ferret's work got some attention last year. Hey, dude, we like quilts in California. Righteous. :D :D :P


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Dear new best friends,

It didn't transfer well from excel to this forum, but these are the shows, location and dates. If you google the show name, you can get current information if a new show date is available. These were the quilt shows that had decent awards. I have more on my spreadsheets but without the columns it would drive you nuts to look at it. Holly

Show Location Dates

39th Annual NQA Quilt Show Columbus, OH June 19-21, 2008

2008 Sisters Qutdoor Quilt Show Sisters, OR 12-Jul-08

27th Annual San Diego Quilt Show SanDiego, CA August 28-30, 2008

27th Annual Dallas Quilt Celebration Dallas, TX March 14-16, 2008

QuiltFest of Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville, FL Sept 24-27, 2008

Seven Sisters Quilt Show April 26-27/2008

Minnesota Quilters Rochester, Mn June 26-28, 2008

AQG @008 Quilt Show Phoenix, AZ March 13-15, 2008

Images 2008 Lowell, MA August 7-10, 2008

Southern New Hampshire Quilt Festival Nashua, NH July 18-20, 2008

Smokey Mountain Quilt Show Knoxville, TN May 16-18, 2008

Quilt Odyssey Shippensburg, PA July 24-27, 2008

Northwest Quilting Expo Portland, OR Sept 24-26, 2008

Home of the Classics Quilt Show Auburn, IN August 29-31-2008

Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XV Harrisburg, PA August 20-27, 2008

Quilt Colorado 2008 Estes Park, CO June 18-22, 2008

Vermont Quilt Show Colchester, VT June 27-29, 2008

2008 Quilt Expo DesMoines, IA October 8-11, 2008

2008 Quilt Expo Nashville, TN August 20-23, 2008

Denver National Quilt Festival Denver, CO May 1-4, 2008

World Quilt Competition Manchester, NH Sept 18-21, 2008

Pacific International quilt Festival XVII Santa Clara, CA October 16-19, 2008

Greater Chicago Quilt Expo III Schaumberg, IL Nov 13-16, 2008

Mid Atlantic Quilt Fstival XX Hampton, VA February 26-March1 2009

The Quilt Fest of New Jersey Somerset, NJ March 5-8, 2009

IQA 2008 Quilts: A World of Beauty Houston, TX October 30-Nov 2, 2008

Quilts Inc Houston, TX

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I have entered quilts in Vermont Quilt Festival, a long time ago. That quilt is not juried. You have to be the first to send in your quilt application and picture. Some shows are juried. I think that AQS shows are juried. Good luck entering a show. It is a learning experience. Unfortunately I get bent out of shape when the judges find something that is wrong with my quilt which sometimes takes longer that giving birth.


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