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Botannica Kentuckii is done at last - pics OUTSIDE

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An outdoor pic at last - the girls are stopping the hanger from blowing down again!

Please be brutally critical...if it would suit a particular show please suggest one or if you think not, please say that too. Nothing is more frustrating than no feedback from judges because then you can't get better!

I have been looking at it for too long. There are lots of things I might consider doing differently.

Sorry the pics are a bit small and they are posted individually.

The actual quilt is 102" square and weighs a ton!

Thanks for looking,



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Thank you all - but that is not what I call brutal! I've blocked it again with starch at the top so now have to hope it unwraps from its parcel nicely

I'm trying to make the sun come out and the wind drop but it is midsummer in Scotland so not likely - I'll do some weather magic so maybe later!

The background is all white pieced blocks with significance to Kentucky sorta... log cabin, fence rail, Tennessee, Buckeye Beauty, Ohio Star, Friendship Star, the fabrics and vintage bits were almost all bought in Paducah on my trip and I sketched out the idea on the bus where my roomie jokingly suggested the name

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I'd say have a margarita or glass of wine! And a huge pat on the back!

Simply awesome job Linzi... because of the light we can't quite see the stitching. I wonder if you tried to hang it out on a bright cloudy day if you could get more detail...

The colors are wonderful, and your piecing and appliqueing look perfect. Being not one to "judge", I don't know what else to tell you... I'm in awe!

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Your quilt is lovely, Linzi, and what a cute name and idea!

But you asked for a critique, not praise. I have never been a quilt judge, but the only thing I can think a judge might say is that you could have added a border. Judges like borders. (I am assuming that prairie points are considered as replacement for binding.)

Whenever a quilt is done, we can always see things we wish we had done differenlty. I think I have made only one quilt that I wouldn't change were I to make it again or do another.

It is completely eligible to be in any quilt show. Good luck!

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