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Sewing catalogues?

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Clotilde is the first cataloque to pick us up!!!! I sent off the order to Texas last Saturday!!!! Should be in the next cataloque!! My feet have yet to touch the ground!!!!! This is a direct result from our FIRST market!!! The entire process is long and somewhat complicated-tho they have been wonderful!! We are still waiting to hear from Keepsake, Connecting threads, and Nancy's Notions- also Checker- They all have our patterns!! And oh.. By the way... The Editor of American Patchwork & Quilting wants to put one of our patterns in their "What's new" part of their magazine!!!! Still waiting to hear about when to send "Thread Cupboard" to them for their photographer-I said just tell me where and I will drive it to them LOLOLOL!! Please know this is not bragging meant by me telling you all this I simply want to share this with friends that understand what this means!!!and I hope I am not jinxing anything I am just so dang happy :):):)

Patty Jo- I cannot post pictures on this site I just don't get how to do it!!All of my patterns are on my website-


We are here in Wahington state for the Unlimited Hydroplane Races-Remember we gave this weekend to my DH for his Father's Day gift? Any way as I sit here and type this from our hotel room,he is looking up quilt shops in the phone book!! He is wonderfull to me!!

I am really


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