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Do any of you get stricken with "the fear" when starting a project?

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Shana! I have two quilts laid out now. First there was just one and all the books, and drawings, and ideas from one of Myrna's classes--so then I thought, well, maybe if I get another one out--and there are 6 waiting--all mine--and I could have written what you wrote! Makes me feel so much better to read the same thing from many quilters!! Jane

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Thanks for all the great feedback! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who goes through this anxiety with quilts. :) Bobbette, I loved your poem. I am printing it out and posting it near my machine for a gentle reminder. Maybe I'll do the same by my computer at work!

You all are the best. Thanks again.

Happy quilting.

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Bobbette - I too love the poem - it provides such inspiration and courage to go forth.

As a newbie - I am scared as all get out to start - so the other day I did a little flannel that could not have gone wrong but today I finally put one of my own quilts on. Almost done but what a scary ordeal it has been - lots of ideas but lack of talent/skill and then I look at all of you (including you, Shana) and I just pray that mine is presentable vs. many of yours that are so BEAUTIFLUL! I know I have much to learn but I keep telling myself that if I don't start, I will never learn and I won't get anywhere.

Shana, your work is wonderful and your quilts will be wonderful!!


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That's me. Getting it on the frame is when it ends, but getting to the frame is torture. Once it is on the fear is gone and you can't tear me away. I still have not quilted my favorite top because of this fear.

I love the feeling of belonging!


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Lately, in a class with Karen McT, she said something to the effect that the quilts that scare us the most are the ones that turn into show quilts

That said...I also have a quilt of my own that I want to do something fantastic with but haven't got it going yet!!!

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Well, Sherry, that one went into my inspiration file....thank you very much. I have a log cabin to do for my stepson's wedding present (who was married one year ago in September :P) Your "map" gives me some really good ideas. Also, I am going to try to use that idea when I do some quilts that I am afraid to start on. Thank you....I wish I could think of stuff like that on my own...but I guess that's what I have you all for ;)

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Since I am just starting out with my Liberty...this may seem dumb. What I do is use a piece of the Pattern Grid that I cut off the one I bought for my panto table. Since I only have an 11 foot frame, I had to shorten the grid. I cut the leftovers into a 2 squares and use the wet erase marker that came with the Pattern Grid (but I suppose Staples sells them, too) and I draw the design that I think I want, then lay it on the quilt top. I can erase the design and start over as many times as I need to. When I come up with something I like, I keep it near me to use as a reference. If course, I only have two squares, not a great big piece to put on a large area.

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Sandy,that's not a dumb idea; that is pure genius! :) I may need to copy your idea!!!!

Just be really careful not to get the wet erase pen on the quilt fabric because it will not come out.

Myrna buys the thin plastic the florists use to wrap the flowers; it come on a big roll; she pulls off a sheet from the roll and lays it over the quilt top to draw ideas using the wet erase pen. You can wipe off and start over; just be super careful not to go near the edge with that pen!

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Thanks Sherry you answered my question. I have the Velum but never thought to use it for that. I guess that is what we have you PRO's for......:D:D Some times we just need that little kick in the rear to get us to think outside the box and use the things we have for other things than what we originally bought them for. Thanks a lot...I will try this.


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