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Thank goodness Millie was Unplugged!

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We had a Bad storm last night, and lightening struck the side of our house. First thing I did was check my machine. Machine okay, but it blew the control box to the sprinkler system right off of the wall in the garage, fried the microwave :( and the stove:D. Pretty much all the electronics on that circuit. Case in point: ALWAYS unplug your machine. I would have been devastated!

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thank goodness your house didn't burn to the ground!! I need to get into the habit of unplugging. I have an expensive what-ca-ma-call-it, that I plug it into...and it has insurance so my machine would be replaced, but down time is something to consider too...plus the hassels.

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Yikes! how scary. I am glad Milli and most things are okay.

We get alot of lightening around here and I never unplug my machine. I guess I should start. I was some how thinking the what-cha-ma-call- it (I have one too Mary Beth :D) would cover it, but I guess not.

Glad you are okay!

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Found out that what it hit was the rain sensor for the sprinkler system. I guess it blew out the whole system. That will probably cost a pretty penny. They told us that we were lucky that the sprinkler system was unplugged from the wall, which we had done so that it didn't come on (hubby's theory is that if you don't water it, it won't grow :D ). Otherwise, we would surely have had a fire. Who would think that having a sprinkler system could be dangerous! Guess it was God's way of reminding me that he is ultimately in control.

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Whoa Peggy!!! I don't think it even rained here!! Do you think we are getting worse storms lately here in MI? It seems like it to me but then I am getting a little older;);) Glad there wasn't any more damage than there was. My folks lost their oven to lightening a couple of months ago. Such a pain. You don't realize how much you use it till it's gone!!


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I am married to a computer geek:cool: so my Liberty, my Bernina 730E, all of our computers, and servers in house are all plugged into those surge protector strips. So if lightning ever did strike us the power gets cut off before it can do any damage to the above items. You can buy these at any home depot type store or hardware and computer store. They don't cost much and are deffinately a good safty item for big ticket items.

Glad your machine was spared :)

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Be aware that many of the surge protector strips only work UP TO a certain level, then they too are blown out, and the power goes right on in... Our surge protector for Penny and my Vikings cost us well over $200.00.. Might have someone at an electrical store, shop, not hardware store, explain the diff.. even a good electronics store, like Staples, Office Depot, etc can explain why one kind will save your machine and the next not.. it's all in how powerful the surge or bolt of power is, to my pea brain understanding. They will show you the numbers to look for.

Thank God, all is safe Peg.. may all of you stay that way..

Rita R

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All my important stuff (my millie, my Bernina, my TV and DVD player :D) are all plugged into expensive surge protectors but I still unplug everything when I'm done ,or even when there is a hint of a storm around. I've lost equipment before and don't want to chance it. Besides I sleep better knowing everything will be ok when I wake up. . . does that make sense? Anyway, so far, so good.

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