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NQR Wish I was Quilting

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We, too, usually have a huge garden and I'm canning and freezing at this time BUT like many others, rains came and came and came and there went our garden. We miss those BLT's, corn, green beans, etc. BUT I'm not sure when I would have done all the canning/freezing this year with lots of quilting to do. In a way it's a relief not to have the work!


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Guess we're the opposite of the rainy part, here in southern Colorado it's been so dry that even with watering every day our garden has just burned away. We're getting a few tomatoes and DHs pumpkin patch is doing OK but that's it. I'm having to hit the local farmers market to get stuff to freeze or can.

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We have the same problem here in the UK. I have been processing beans -broad beans, runner beans, french beans (purple and green, dwarf and climbing), pea beans all for the freezer. I have made jam- blackcurrant, strawberry, raspberry. I have made plum chutney.

I have made lots of soups and am now drowing under a pile of courgettes ( zucchini), I leave little piles of them on friend's doorsteps and run away before they see me!

Not doing much quilting as a result. It rained all day today so I couldn't pick veg so today I sewed and quilted. The down side is that with all the rain the courgettes will be twice the size tomorrow so I will have to go pick again.

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Make zucchini bread. Then leave a loaf on your friend's doorstep!

My MIL's mom visited Oregon from North Dakota many years ago and was astounded by the fruits and veggies in the Willamette Valley. The apple trees were loaded and every day she picked up the fruit, peeled and pared, and made applesauce, pies, and apple butter. When the freezer and pantry were full to the brim, she still picked up the windfalls, peeled and chopped and then lovingly fed it all to the chickens. That generation hated waste and wasted nothing.

Enjoy your garden and the wonderful produce you have worked for.

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I picked fresh green beans, green peppers, tomaotes and a lemon cucumber today, ate most of them for dinner with grilled chicken marinated in terakayi sauce. What a delicious dinner. Tomorrow will have to pick summer squash and zucchini and basil which I will put in the food processer with olive oil, chop and then freeze for the cold months. The weather in Bucks County, PA has been wonderful for the veggies this year. I've even got my fist mini-pumpkin on the vine out there! I should have been quilting too but the garden needed me more! Off to the machine now! Enjoy everyone, summer is half gone and soon we will be carting firewood and wearing sweats again (my favorite time of year!) ;)

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