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Here's my early morning story - pennies and mousse

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At about 12:30 am, I hear a crash, waking me from a deep, deep sleep. I hear my daughter get up and run downstairs. Next comes a scream, then lots of giggles. Yep, at the same time. I ran into the bathroom and saw a sight that came close to a horror scene.

Since the girls were little, to prevent fussing over whose money I found in the washer, on the floor, etc., we started a missions jar. All lost money was put there and when full, donated to a mission. The girls are adults now, but we still keep the tradition. The quart jar was full of pennies and sitting on a top shelf, when the shelf bracket broke, sending the quart jar to the next shelf, where it landed on a new can of hair mousse. I now know why it says, do not puncture on the can!

The can and the pennies fell to the floor where the pennies punctured a small hole in the can. Foam immediately started spraying (and expanding) all over the bathroom. There was foam on and under the claw foot tub, all over the walls, all over the floor in big piles. Olivia got the can into the sink where it filled the sink. I had no idea they could get that much foam in a little can!

My first thought was to leave it and clean it up at a decent hour, but re-thought that when I realized the foam would dry up and stick all the pennies to the floor and I 'd need a chisel to get them up. Pennies were sticking to our bare feet as we mopped up the whole mess. Needless to say, by the time I got back to bed, I was wide awake. So cheers to things that go bump in the night.

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Use two smaller jars, and don't store goopy stuff under anything real heavy. Um.. takes too much thinking..

LOL, I know it's not funny, but peal your socks and say, Yes, I am made of copper.. (thinking of the I am made of gold ad) I thought a mouse had pushed something off the shelf, having missread mouse..

Today I can blame it on the meds..


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