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Best place for ideas??

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I had a brilliant idea in the shower this morning-One that I will definately pursue! However it got me thinking .. Where do you do your best thinking? I seem to be able to get most of my thoughts together in the shower..I am usually alone in there so nothing to distract me from my day planning, meal planning or even my quilting planning.

Where do you do your best thinking?

Just wondering-


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My ideas come to me like a lightning bolt. I can be up to my ears in something else and Zap "how about this motif".

I think that I probably see or hear something and it doesn't really sink in, it just percolates in my head for a while. Then it just jumps up and makes sense to me. ADHD or slow learner, whatever, it just the way I process ideas.

I like the shower idea, though.;)

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Some of my best thinking and planning comes on longish cross-country drives. We're an hour from the "big city" of Spokane, and I always keep a notepad handy - make those lists of things I forgot to do, ideas for quilts, etc. Even more ideas come when I drive over to the coast to see my boys (Seattle) - I'm that crazy person on I-90 trying to drive and sketch at the same time! I sure hope no law enforcement types are reading this.....

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Originally posted by Phyllis

While I'm sleeping or maybe supposed to be sleeping. That's when I get most of my quilting ideas. Must be a totally restless sleeper, but hey, it works for me.:P

This has happen more than once to me...have absolutely no idea how to quilt something and then BAM....out of a dead sleep and know its just right....

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Barb - I do my best thinking in the car also. And I just have to tell you that my first son was born in Spokane while we were stationed at Fairchild AFB. We actually bought land up there intending to retire on Paradise Rd. on the outskirts of town but settled in Nebraska instead. Anyway, I've always kept a soft spot for Spokane.

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In another life, I worked in a busy insurance office. We were going to a new computer system and we were having the MOST problems getting it to do what we wanted it to do...what we were paying the big bucks to get it to do! Every night I would dream of another solution to the problems I had that day... I hated it!

My bosses thought I was amazing, but I wanted to have a regular dream!!!!


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Have to think about this one - not really sure since they always seem to come at the most inconvenient moments & not at any particular time or place! Then I have to pray that I remember them. Mostly I do but sometimes................. The worst is when I am talking to someone & I get this brainstorm. Can't tell them to hush up so I can write it down ........ rude ...... or just start talking about my brainstorm.........again, rude or even space out because I start thinking of my stuff and tune out to whomever I am talking to ......... sooo rude. Just have to pray that I remember ..............

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