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Deloa, You're Great


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Deloa is such a kind, giving, lovely lady. She came to Ontario this week, and shared her knowlege with us.

I just wanted to send her a great big "THANK YOU", and to let everyone know (if you don't already), how wonderful a teacher she is.

If you every have a chance to take a class with her, you will have a great time.

Thank you so much Deloa.

Your new friend,


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Well, I've not met DeLoa in person, but I ordered her books and appliguide and chatted for a while on the phone with her. She is so nice on the phone I can only imagine her in person. One of my "gotta dos" is to take classes from her. Hopefully next year some time. :)

When I got my books in the mail, I noticed that she wrote a personalized note inside the first page. Very nice!

Dale, I am glad you had a good training session. Aren't we so fortunate???

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Hi Tracey,

You should have been there, Deloa was here for a week of classes. She is such a nice person, and a great teacher.

I have sent you an email.

Shana, yes we are very fortunate, Deloa was so inspiring & giving.


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Dale and Tracey: I'd have to agree with you, Dale. DeLoa is a great teacher and a lot of fun. I took her classes at Carol's last year, but , unfortunately, couldn't reschedule things to attend this time. I was able to take Karen McTavish's classes this past July in Burlington.

Tracey: I'm probably about half an hour from you! I'll send you a U2U. There's not a lot of longarmers in our area, so it's really nice to see someone close. Dale, where in our lovely province do you live?


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Hi Carolyn,

I live in the southern most part of Ontario, my back yard is on the shores of Lake Erie, on the outskirts of Selkirk. It is so beautiful here, the sunrises, sunsets, and what makes it most special, are the people.

DeLoa will be back next year, and to others, if you ever have an opportunity to take a class with DeLoa, you will have a wonderrful time, and be even more inspired.

Carolyn, I believe we met at Karen's class in July.


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Oh that is very exciting. Last year was my first time and I had only had my longarm for 5 weeks! It was so much fun and I learned a ton! I can't wait for this year. I leave a week from today. Make sure you introduce yourself. I'm actually horrible with names and faces so you might have to tell me a few times! Rita R. and MRM are coming too. Say a little prayer for Rita as she is in the hospital againg for her COPD but she assured me that no matter she was coming! LOL I wouldn't want to be the doctor that told her she wasn't going!

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No fair -- that is what yhour mon does for me when she visits Louisiana. I got the Log Cabin Rose quilts today. She will be teaching at my shop beginning Nov. 5th. I already have classes filling up!!! Have fun with your mom and I'll see you both in a little over a week. Get ready for some GUMBO!! Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!!

Love ya,


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I am at Jessie's house right now and she said hey mom do you want to see what they are saying about you----you guys made me cry. What wonderful friends you all are. I am truly the lucky one to meet all of you. I will be at Carol's next year. We haven't set the dates yet but it will be around the same time and for those going to camp mowana next year. It will be the last week of Sept-first week of Oct. So yes we moved it ahead a couple of weeks and we are having Pam Clarke and Kathy Franks next year come teach.

We (Jessie and I) are currently organizing a retreat in Oregon in Feb. Details will be coming soon but e-mail me if there is an interest and I will put you on a list to notify.


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